Chapter 15

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I didn't stay with Kelsey for long

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I didn't stay with Kelsey for long.

The impending night shortened the amount of time I could spend talking to her, and so I left her with a cheerful goodbye only a few hours after we met.

However although I had said a definitive goodbye I didn't leave without taking a picture of her. She was just one of the many people I had met in my life and I felt the need to document each person with an image. Just as Aslo had kept a pictorial diary of acquainces, sights and feelings. I wanted to have a collection of images that I could look back on when I'm old and grey. Something to remind me of all the small and (to others) insignificant moments in my life. Meeting Kelsey would be one of those moments, because although I had only talked with her for a few short hours, I had developed a high opinion of her. She was loyal, and caring but there was an humorous edge to her words that suited the happy glint in her brown eyes.

She was exactly how I expected a young girl to be.

In truth she was exactly how I was when I was less experienced in this world.

However, just as I had faced the harsher facts of this life, Kelsey would also have to endure the cruelties that often came hand in hand with reality. No life was spared of sadness and no matter how much happiness shines through it, there will always be a small dark cloud to blemish the unending stretch of sunshine. For Kelsey her black cloud would be the loss of her brother.

I wanted to think that he would come back and her life would be spared the heartache, but there was something in me that sensed that he wouldn't and that meant that over the next few weeks Kelsey would have to deal with the realisation that would inevitably set in. This being the realisation that her brother, Emmett, was no longer a part of their family, and never would be again.

As I continued my tired march through the forest I kept my mind off Emmett disappearance. I didn't want my imagination to go into that dark and sinister place of monsters and ghouls.

I was fighting a losing battle against the sun as it steadily made its way across the hidden sky. I had to get to civilisation before the forest became nothing but darkness, however a gentle fizzing in my veins told me that the tingle was still active below my surface.

I was torn between finding safety in a strange new society and taking the risk of disappearing in front of someone's eyes, or wandering through the forest in darkness in the hope that the tingle sparks on my skin and takes me away unseen.

Then again here I was contemplating my options when really I feared that I wouldn't be given the choice.

Kelsey had pointed me in the direction of the main road but my exhaustion had caused my mind to be blurred, and so I soon found myself walking aimlessly through the constant green surroundings.

I had no way of knowing where I was going, or what I was looking for.

I was lost and panic was setting in at the prospects of having to sleep out here alone, while I waited for the tingle to take me away.

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