Book 2- chapter 14

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Something is different about the atmosphere at work today. Janelle isn't all smiley and bubbly, everyone is serious today. Maybe I should try and talk to her, at least to make her understand where Adrian is coming from. It's such an irony that all this started when Adrian bad mouthed me. Well it started a long time ago.

"Erm..Janelle? Can I talk to you for a sec?" I ask her as politely as I can. I don't think I can talk sweeter than that.

"Sure. What's up" She says, taking a sit. I sit beside her and take a deep breath. This is like a confrontation to me and I always go into one with my points ready. Like it's a debate.

"I know I shouldn't interfere with family problems..." I start to say.

"You're family now. You're my son's girlfriend" she cuts me off. Well this isn't about Jonah, it's about her other son.

"I know you look sad because of what Adrian said to you but if only you'd understand him. He feels guilty for everything his dad did to you..."

"Wait. How do you know all this?" She asks, cutting me off again.

"Adrian is my friend and he shares his problems with me" I say and she nods her head.

"Well he shouldn't blame himself for anything. It's not his fault that his dad is a cheater and I don't regret leaving Jonah's father. Things weren't working out between us even before Jonah was born. I separated from him before I started having an affair with Adrian's father, just that we weren't legally divorced. I didn't do it because he was wealthy and had influence..." she takes a deep breath.

"...I did it because I loved him. But he never loved me back. He was only interested in pleasing himself with multiple women..." tears start dropping and I pull out my handkerchief from my pocket and I gave her.

"...Thank you. No matter how many times he cheated on me, I would have never left him but he kicked me out. He wanted to be free.. from me. And I think he made the right choice. No matter how much it hurts, even up till now, I can't love another man cause he still owns my heart." After saying that she finally broke down.

She's still inlove with Andrew Schwann?!
"Is this why you treat Adrian differently? You left him without saying goodbye." I say to her.

"I didn't want him to see my pain and suffering. I thought that was the best thing to do. Not for me, but for him. I was the happiest person in the world when he came back to me. His mind is clouded by what happened long ago, and he can't see the love I'm showing him now."

That might be true. "But why didn't you send him letters, gifts on his birthday, all those stuffs. At least to show that you care."

"I did send them but I'm sure Andrew didn't let him see it"

That makes sense. Adrian needs to hear this. "Adrian loves you so much. The first thing he did was to change his surname to yours. He wants to be part of your family so badly. You need to talk to him so he can understand."

"That's what I'll do but I don't know where he lives" she says. I bring out a piece of paper and write down his address. "He lives here"

"Who lives there?" Someone says and we turn around to see Adrian. Janelle quickly wipes her tears and stands up to hug him. I thought he'll be cold to her but he hugged her back. I guess he came to settle. My work here is done so I stand up and leave. Time to get back to the work I'm actually paid for.

Adrian's POV
"He lives here" I hear Andrea say and hand over a piece of paper to my mom. "Who lives there"

They both turn around to look at me. Mom wipes her face and gets up. She looks pale like she hasn't been sleeping and she just finished crying. She pulls me into a hug and I hug her back.

Andrea quickly gets up and leaves us alone. "Mom, have you been crying?" I ask her worried. Did I do this to her?

"That doesn't matter son. I'm glad you're here. I was about to come and see you." She takes a sit and I do the same.

"I'm sorry for not being there for you. Your father didn't let me go with you then. I always sent you letters and gifts, birthday cards and I'm sure your father didn't let you see them...'"

What?! I clench my fists like I want to punch someone but mom places her hands on them and releases it.

"That's all in the past. You need to move on. We all do. You can't keep filling your heart with anger. The important thing is that we are together now." She says.

"Do you love me. The way you love Jonah?" I ask her. That's one question I've been battling with.

"Of course I do. I love you so much son" she says and I hug her again. Those are the words I want to hear. That someone in this world loves me.

After we talked, I rushed out to look for Andrea. I know she talked to my mom about me. She's always there for me.

I found her in the parking lot about to leave and I ran up to her and hugged her from the back. "Thank you so much Andrea." She pulls out of the hug and faces me.

"Why are you thanking me?" She says giggling. Her eyes glimmering, with sparks in them. The most beautiful pair of blue eyes. A strand of hair covers he face and I pull it back, behind her ear. Her breath becomes uneven. I smile because I know the effect of my touch on her.

"For always being there for me" I say with my eyes on her lips. A lot of things are passing through my mind but I'm not going to waste this opportunity again. I lean in and place my lips on hers. I thought she'll pull away but she kisses me back.

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