Chapter 18

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Chloé's POV
Dave and I agreed to face time after school today but he hasn't even texted. I tried calling him earlier but he declined. I feel something is wrong.

I head over to Jason's room, maybe we can do something cause I'm bored. I knock on the door and I hear no response. There are some whispers coming from inside his room. I open the door and go in. Lo and behold Dave is there. I thought he disappeared from the surface of the earth!

"What's going on" I say frowning. They both look at me like I'm a ghost. "I was waiting for your text and you're here?" I say this time around facing Dave. He clears his throat.

"I was busy with something" He mutters. Okay? But now you're in my house and you couldn't say hi? "I thought you were sleeping so I didn't want to disturb you. That's why I'm here" I didn't bother arguing with him. I went back to my room and decided to watch Netflix.

I thought he'll come after me but I guess he had other plans. Sigh. It's been just one week and I don't want any problems.

Months later
Exams are approaching and I can't believe I'm almost done with high school. Ever since that incident with Dave, he started acting strange. At first he said he was busy moving into a new house, then he said he got a job, a night job. Sometimes I won't see him in school for 3 days straight. I started getting worried but if I ask him questions about it he'll get angry and storm off so I stopped it.

Max and Kayla started dating too. It was weird at first but I got used to it. Dave and his sister are coming over today since it's Saturday.

"Chloé. They're here" Eva says excitedly coming into my room. Up till now she still doesn't knock. I stand up and hurry downstairs.

"After this can we go and visit mom in the hospital?" Rielle asks Dave. What?! Is their mom sick. "Sure" dave says before he realizes I'm there.

"Your mom is in the hospital?!" I yell. "Go and meet Molly" Dave says to his sister. "Answer me!" I yell again. "Yes, stop making a big deal out of it" seriously?! "And you didn't tell me? What happened?"

"I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to react like this. Let's sit down and I'll tell you everything." I follow him to my room and sit on my bed.

"My mom had a fight with my dad and she ended up in the hospital. She's been in a comma for months now" he spills. I gasp, shocked. Why didn't he tell me? Is that why he's been acting strange lately?

"That day I stayed over without telling you, that's when it happened" he finishes. I hug him. "I'm so sorry. Now I understand why you've been busy working. You're trying to pay the bills right?" I ask. He nods his head but looks uncomfortable.

"Can I follow you to the hospital" I say. I thought he'll disagree but he allowed. "After that can we go to a party?" He asks. I haven't attended any party since the time I made a fool out of myself because of a silly game. "You can go but I'm not going" I reply.

"Don't be a party pooper. This is our last party. Exams starts in a week and we'll be busy. Please?" He has a good point so I agree.

We leave to see his mom. I can see that Dave is trying not to cry but tears hasn't stopped dropping from his sister's eyes. It must have been hard for them. I wish he told me earlier, I would've been more understanding.

"Hey mom. Guess who came to see you. It's my girlfriend" Dave says between sobs. He finally broke down. "You need to wake up if you want to see her mom. Just wake up for us" he continues, kneeling in front of her bed and hugging her. "Please mom" Rielle says hugging her too. It became so emotional I didn't know when I started crying too. I can't imagine what it'll be like if my mom was the one lying in that bed. I place my hands on their shoulders to try and comfort them.

Dave drops me back at home later. "I'll come and pick you up by 8" he says before speeding off.

I start to get ready even though it's just 6. I had a shower than did my make up. Yes, I know how to apply make up now. A lot has changed. I pack my hair in a bun. And now it's time to make the biggest decision. What will I wear?

I settle on a high waist denim jeans and a black crop hoodie. That'll do. Not long after I was ready I heard a horn from outside. My ride has arrived.

Unlike the last party I went to, I could hear the music blocks before the venue. This wasn't Jason's party.

I decided I was going to have fun today. Maybe even drink. We walk into the house and head over to the kitchen. The place is small and they're a lot of people there. Dave offers me a coke and I decline. "Something strong" I say, smirking. He looks shocked but gives it to me anyways. "That's vodka" he says. I look into the drink and smell it. Yuck! "Thanks" I say and take a sip. It burns my tongue and tasted so bitter but I pretend like I'm enjoying it and take another one.

I keep asking for more drinks. I've gotten use to the taste and I think I'm drunk. I feel like I can do anything. "Let's dance!" I scream and drag Dave to the already crowded dance floor and press my body against his. Few minutes after, Dave excuses himself. Says he wants to get more drink. I find myself at the middle and continue to dance. People start videoing me. I'm now the center of attention and I like it. Dave arrives and pulls me out of the crowd. "Now who's the party pooper?" I say pouting. He ignores me and drags me upstairs. Wait? Upstairs?!

Chloé is drunk and heading upstairs with her equally drunk boyfriend. Hmm
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