pretty sure that's not normal

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As the day progressed, the weather got colder, so as Persephone took a walk, she hugged her black, fluffy cotton jacket closer to herself.

Her steps were brisk and she knew her destination, she needed some time to think, she needed to get a new job, and fast. Her apartment was fairly expensive and she wasn't sure how long she could keep up with the rent.

The tip of her nose was red and she knew that the park was close, she couldn't wait till she got there to just wind down and watch the sky as it turned dark and the stars came out. It made her feel as if her mother was watching over her, her mother did say, that she had asked Helios and Selene to watch over her.

It was a warm summer day, as it usually was, and Persephone, only 4 years old, was sitting underneath an apple tree, playing with the long, dead grass and braiding it as if it were hair.

"Kore?" a woman's voice called out, it sounded far away as Persephone was too preoccupied with what she was doing, so she didn't bother to respond. "Kore!" the voice yelled with some desperation this time.

Persephone looked up to see a tall slim woman with light brown, almost blonde hair, in the distance, wearing a green robe dress that glided over the short grass that her bare feet walked on. Her face had a frantic expression as she looked around.

"Persephone!" Her mother cried out, beginning to run in random directions.

"Mummy! I'm here!" Young Persephone was barely taller than the grass around her.

"Persephone Kore! Why didn't you answer me?" her mother ran to where she was and held her shoulders, looking over her to check for injuries.

"I'm sorry mummy." Persephone looked down at her own bare feet and the circle of dead grass that surrounded her.

"It's alright my little flower bud, but don't you ever do that again." she scolded and pushed away the young girl's unruly hair out of her face.

"Yes, mummy."

The memory popping into her head was sudden but welcomed. She still remembered little snippets of her life before the orphanage, and she deeply cherished those memories.

She could hear the laughing of young kids and she knew she had gotten to the park, so she looked up and she couldn't believe her eyes.

In the middle of the park was a giant, fat man, taller in height than the trees. His skin was grey and he was wearing brown rags. In one of his hands, he held a large wooden club the size of a tree and he was swinging it around, he spun to her direction and where he should've had two eyes, was one eye instead. Cyclops.

As she looked more, she realised that someone was fighting the monster, the person was tiny in comparison, and she only seemed to be annoying the cyclops. She looked around and noticed that no one was paying attention to the fight going on, so she ran forward.

"Hey! Do you need any help?" Persephone yelled out and the person turned their head to look at her, the cyclops used this moment to wack the person on the head and she flew through the air until she landed a few feet in front of Persephone.

It was a girl, and she wore casual clothes, a red shirt and blue denim jeans, her red curly hair was sprawled all around her, a contrast to the bright green grass. In her left hand, she held a bronze sword tightly and she groaned in pain. A few feet away from her was a blue backpack, and her arm seemed to be reaching for it, so Persephone rushed to go get it for her.

"Are you okay?" She placed the bag in the girl's hands and the girl quickly zipped it open.

"I'll be fine, I've had worse." The girl responded, still rustling through her bag.

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