mr rich dude

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The drive was surprisingly long, Persephone's GPS led her to Manhatten, and to a large cluster of tall apartment buildings. The street was buzzing with people as they went about their business, casting glances at her as she walked up to the building.

This was apparently where Hades lived, a few blocks away from the Empire State Building. She walked up to the door and looked for his name before ringing the doorbell, unlike her own building, the name slots and doorbells still looked brand new and somehow sent a sophisticated 'I'm rich' vibe.

"Hello?" Hades spoke into the receiver and loud dog barks could be heard in the background.

"Uhm, it's Persephone." she noticed a bunch of people beginning to stare at her, she could've sworn that for a couple of them, who had smiled at her had razor-sharp teeth, but they were gone once she blinked.

"Oh, Seph, come on up." Hades sounded cheery as the door in front of her unlocked.

Walking up the stairs would've taken way too long, so she went by elevator, clicking on the capital 'P' at the top. The elevator was a boring grey and played metal music in a soft volume, the only soothing thing about it was the consistent lights flashing under the floor numbers as she continued to go up.

She had decided to wear a black, knee-length A-line dress that had small multi-coloured flowers sprinkled all over, sleeves stopping at her elbows and a medium-sized bow at the back.

The elevator let out a loud 'ding' as it slowed to a stop and the doors opened. In the hallway in front of her, there was only one door, with a gold door knock in the shape of medusa on the plain red door.

Persephone knocked on the door to hear loud barking coming from the other side.

After a couple of seconds, the door creaked open and Hades' face peaked through, "Hey Seph - you look beautiful -" he stared at her for a few seconds before seemingly snapping out of it -"come on in," he opened the door as the barking increased in volume, "sorry, they'll stop barking once they see who it is." he apologised as he let her in.

His apartment did not at all match her expectations, the only expensive-looking thing in the building had seemed to be the doorbells and name cards, but that paled in comparison to his penthouse.

Persephone had been anywhere this expensive-looking, there was a recurring black theme throughout but was balanced so it didn't look like a goth's home. There were paintings hung up on the wall, no doubt originals, in a gold frame, studded with jewels. From the front door, a living room was able to be seen, where a black leather couch that was framed with gold stood, three large black dogs standing or sitting on it. The dogs' coats were pitch black, like an empty abyss or the middle of a black hole, but one of them had very dark grey freckles of different sizes littering its body.

The three dogs most likely stood up to her chest area, the looked like a cross of a Doberman and a Rottweiler, with sharp ears that stood up. All of them jumped off of the couch and began approaching Persephone, lips pulled back to display their sharp teeth as they hunched their shoulders.

"Boys, no, she's a guest." Hades scolded them, but they ignored him, their only focus was the girl beside their master.

Instead of cowering as any sane person would, Persephone smiled and knelt down, the dogs taller than she was now, "Aww, you guys are so cute!" she squealed and Hades watched her with wide eyes, too stunned to do anything about the three massive dogs approaching her as they looked at her as if she was their next meal.

She reached forward with both of her hands and began scratching the side of two of the dog's heads. Instead of biting her hand off like they normally would have, the two dogs laid down and rolled onto their backs, exposing their tummies, their mouths opening as a big tongue lolled out. Persephone began scratching their bellies and the remaining dog whined, pushing its head underneath one of her preoccupied hands.

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