he can't afford the limo

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It was sunny enough to not have to wear a jacket, but the cold undertone was enough to want to wear a jacket. So essentially, one would want to constantly put on and take off their jacket.

To avoid the hustle, Persephone braved the small goosebumps that popped up on her bare arms as she sat outside the cafe, waiting for her order.

"Pez! Thanks for agreeing to meet with me, I'll just be a moment, I'm going to order something." Aric appeared smiling, his hands in his jeans pocket as he quickly dipped into the building.

Right as he went in, a waiter came out with a green mug with whipped cream swirled all over the top and rainbow sprinkles, and on the plate beside the mug was a small slip of paper.

"Here you go, enjoy." The waiter who was probably in his early twenties winked at Persephone as he set her mug down before going back in.

Muttering to herself about how weird that was, she happily grabbed a spoon and began to eat the whipped cream, pausing once she saw that there was writing on the piece of paper.

It said 'Sam' and had a phone number. Deciding to ignore it, she continued to eat and then Aric came out of the cafe, a coffee mug in hand.

"So how have you been?" He smiled and took a sip.

"I've been good. Busy and good, you?" She began to pour an excessive amount of sugar in her hot chocolate.

"Still the same I see." Aric laughed at the now 3 packets of sugars that had been used up, "I won over the client that I was meeting last week, and secured an important investor."

"That's great Aric!"

"Yeah, the reason I asked you here today though, was because I don't want those meaningless flings anymore, you deserve more than that and I'm so sorry if I made you feel that you deserved less." Aric absentmindedly stirred his coffee.

"I was going to mention the same thing, I can't do those meaningless flings anymore either." Persephone agreed and ignored her buzzing phone.

"Great, so we're on the same page." Aric grinned and his stiff position relaxed.

"Yeah, absolutely."

"How does this Saturday sound?"

"I'm sorry, for what?" Persephone laughed a little in confusion.

"For our uhm, first official date." He laughed awkwardly and ran his hand through his hair, which Persephone would have used to find incredibly attractive.

"Our first official date? What are you talking about?"

"No more meaningless flings," He explained, his body tensing again.

"That didn't mean that I wanted to start dating you." She scoffed, an incredulous expression on her face.

"But you've been love with me for 18 years." He gaped.

"You knew?"

"It was pretty obvious."

"Yeah, well I've come to terms that it's useless to hang onto something that will never happen, and I'm no longer in love with you." Her hot chocolate was no longer hot as it sat in front of her exposed to the chill wind.

"But it's not useless to hang onto it, because I'm willing to give it a try, I'm willing to give us a try." Aric leaned forward, his face a silent plea.

"Aric." Persephone looked up at the clouds, a few weeks ago, she would've killed to have an opportunity like this, "You have a fiance." her finger tapped the table.

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