Routine Breakups and The Beautiful End

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With completing one year, there are also some issues to face.

The biggest of them is the fact that Hardik hasn't proposed Viruti yet. Viruti wants Hardik to propose to her, but Hardik thinks differently.
Viruti's feelings about proposal catches fire when her friends ask her if Hardik has proposed to her yet.

They fight like a typical husband and wife, more loud on small topics, neglecting the big ones, they dig things that happened months ago to bring spice to their fight, but the best part is that they come to a halt at the night. Howsoever long fight they have, they always resolves it by the time they sleep.

Days passe by, and so they come to 3rd and 4th year. Thought the 3rd year was the most difficult, thinking to meet each other, but they were limited by the time, as due to COVID-19 pandemic, the professional year shortened. Now it's just 10 months to complete one professional year. Though one semester is of 5 months only.
Due to lack of time and study, they have to  reduce their calling hours, and sadly, the meeting time. Now they meet just once in one and a half month or so.
The study burden was also increased as they're now preparing for their PG exam for MBBS PG.
It's rightly said that a doctor never stops learning.

Whenever they meet, Viruti expects him to propose to her, but Hardik is in a different thing. They enjoy being together, but still, commitment and proposal is something which is very necessary to build a healthy bond.Though they both are committed to each other, but the proposal part is a bit wrong.

Viruti gets angry every time, but somewhere she knows, that something big is waiting for her. As Hardik never fails to impress and surprise her with new things.

It's 4th year of their MBBS UG, and things are getting more hectic now - less time to talk, and lesses time for meetings.
But the understanding which they have is beyond everything. Whatever be the situation they both support each other. If one is feeling low, the other senses it through some means, and they cure each other.

Their main focus, like every medico, is to get a good PG branch. They prepare really hard, the only time they talk is the time when they teache each other. Being each other's backbone, they manage to get through the hard times of 4th, the deadly and final year of MBBS.

Then comes the internship, the most hectic part of a MBBS UG student's life, waking up at 7am and getting back at 7pm. Everything becomes extreme, they decide to talk just at  the weekends. They somehow managed to go through half of the internship, then they take a big decision - not to talk till their PG exam and just focusing on the exam. They both understand that their career is more important at this stage of their lives. They somehow manage to stop talking to the person whom they were talking to for three  years, almost everyday!
That is really a hard step at the beginning. Viruti has a doubt - what if any other girl proposes to Hardik and somehow he falls  into the trap. This thought comes to her mind once in a while. She tells herself that her trust in him is more than these disgusting obsessions.

It's the AIIMS PG exam, which is now scheduled on 8th November 2023, and Hardik gets his desired branch, Medicine.
He's happy but sad, since Viruti will be giving her NEXT PG on 4th April 2024.

The next year, Viruti also gives the exam and she gets Obs and Gynae branch, which she had always desired.

They both decide to meet on the holiday.

(*Now I think, I should slow down*)

They decides to go to Mussoorie again, the place where they visited when they were in their 2nd year.

Viruti comes to Hardik, and they both then go to Mussoorie by car.
Hardik is driving and Viruti is beside him, they talk about every detail which was left, since they last talked. Then Viruti suddenly asks him,

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