Further chats

218 12 4

*24th May 2019*

Hardik wakes up in the morning at 7:30 am with full excitement and joy.
This kind of morning was absent for many months. The morning cherishing him, joyful, entertaining and without any stress as if he has got a new life.
He tries waking up Rajeev, which turns out to be of no help. In fact Rajeev is not at all  serious about his attendance and thinks that he could complete it at the end.

Hardik then checks his phone for a minute or two, opens Instagram, then locks it and puts it to charge.
He then enters the washroom and freshens up.

He dresses up quickly, he never eats breakfast but this day, he's on a different soundtrack. He dresses up by 7:45AM, and goes to the mess to have breakfast. He greets all his seniors and batchmates, the smile and merriment on his face can be clearly seen from a mile.

He have his breakfast and leaves for the class.
It is Friday, which means the day to study Physiology.
Though it is his favourite subject but he is loving the subject beyond limits  today.
Seams like he's in another world.

He return to the hostel at 4PM. And lays down on the bed.
He falls asleep.

He wakes up at 7 PM. He studies for some time, and it's 8PM now. That is, the time for dinner.

He goes to dinner with Pranjal and Rohan.
And then goes for a walk near river Ganga.

It's 10 o'clock now, Hardik returns to his room. Rajeev is again not in the room.

He opens his Instagram.
Opens the message chat of Viruti, and messages "Hii". She's offline now.

He then opens her profile and swipes through all of her photographs.
He starts from the very beginning, when she created her account.

The First image was when she was at the coaching, preparing for her NEET entrance. He opens the complete image and smiles a bit. He murmurs, "She's so cute.". He then opens the comment section, probably to see if there is any male friend of her surrounding her. And the traces are negative. A great relief for Hardik. He takes a deep breath and utters, "She's definitely my type of girl."

He stalks her other photos along with the comments.
The mirth he possesses is beyond imagination.

In the meantime, he gets a message from Viruti.

V: Were you waiting for me?

H(with a big yes on his fingers, but he can't type it. *ethics, you know :-P*) : Naah, I was just....

V: just???

H: Just passing by, so I thought to say a Hii.... that's it.

V: hahahaha, so funny. By the way, don't miss me, you'll get addicted.
Viruti says in a kind of flirty way.

H: I would love to.
Hardik tries to flirt back too, but his level can't match with Viruti, he's so weak at flirting.

Hardik interrupts the chat and types,

H: So, can I get your number now, I'm too excited for that.

V: It's just one day. You should wait for at least 2 months.

H: Woooh! That's a long. You should not let your lover wait so long.
Hardik says in a flirty manner

V: That's big! You should impress me first, and thats never gonna happen. Cause I don't believe in love.

H: Are you Heartbroken?

V: Naah! No one can break my heart. You?

H: I think we're not close enough to talk about this.
Hardik gets a bit sad but he's not as miserable as he was before.

V: Yeah, you're right. I think we should leave this topic for some other time.

H: So, you want to talk to me till the time we get close?

V: Are you tryoing to flirt?

H: ummm.... No.
A smile comes to Hardik's face.

Viruti sends him a picture.

H: What's this?

V: This is a quote written by me today. Tell me how's it?

Hardik reads the quotes, it is a love poem. And Hardik is developing his interest in the  poem. It's like, this talent of him was made for their union.

H: It is great. You haven't told me before that you're a writer too.

V: (With a laughing emoji) That's just a timepass. It's kind of my hobby. I daily write something or the other.

H: That's great! Can I tell you something?

V: Yes...

H: You're heartbroken! After reading your poem and after reading other poems on your profile. I came to this conclusion, which in many instances, is not wrong. I'm good at judging people.

V: Really! But this time you judged wrong. I'm not heartbroken.

H: But the way you wrote them, and the connection that you had with the lines, can be felt by the reader. That kind of connection doesn't come without a heartbreak!

Hardik thinks for a moment about all the other possibilities in which she might have written the poems about lost love. And came to a conclusion that may be she loves writing poetry of this genre, and she might be good at harnessing emotions for writing things.

V: Really! Thanks a lot (with a semi-laughing emoji)
V: By the way. I don't believe in love.

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