Chapter Zero: The End

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Person sending message- "So, you really want to go? Leave me, our things, us, like this? "

Person receiving message-
"I have to, I can't see any other option, except for leaving. That's better for us. We've no future together. Good Bye, take care of yourself. "

Sending these lines, Hardik throws his phone on the bed. His roommate Rajeev is unable to understand what's going on.

Rajeev asks, "Is everything alright mate? "

"Yes. Everything is great, just a bit frustrated. Don't you worry, I'm alright. ", Hardik says these lines with a wide smile on his face.

"Are you sure? Everything doesn't seem to be alright.", enquires Rajeev.

"Dude, thanks for asking, but everything is fine." Saying these words with a thankful smile, he moves to the washroom in the room.

Hardik staring himself in the mirror

"What have I done! I've destroyed everything, how can I be so rude to her! I've promised to stay with her throughout life, it was just two years. I'm such a dumbass", Hardik says to himself staring in the mirror, in a hope to get the best answer possible.

"You are not wrong. The time is wrong, you both are correct , but you two are not made for each other. Her pleasure is your sorrow. Opposites attract, but if they do attract too much, they can even destroy each other! You're correct, Sometimes, promises are not what you've done to the other person, you are not sure whether you can complete them or not. But promises made to yourself, are always consummated in one way or the other. Go ahead, live your life now, it's not breakup as you think it is.
If something shatters, it gives rise to numerous new pieces too, it's upto you whether you throw them into dustbin, or use it for creating something new", a voice comes from inside of Hardik, which he was seeking a moment ago.

Nodding his head in a yes, with determination in his mind, he cries a lot at first, for twenty minutes, every bit of tear was for Pratibha. After that, when nothing is left in his lacrimal gland, he wipes his eyes, washes his face, and comes out with full determination in his eyes.

"Why are you so late?", asks Rajeev in an interrogative manner.

" Porn!", replies Hardik with a playful smile and a false expression of being caught.



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