9 | tribulation

98 7 6

I think I'm better on my own

But I get so lost in you

I think I'm better on my own

But I'm so obsessed with you


Alice offered to drive me around until my car got fixed. I thanked her and she drove off.

I walked up to the driveway, furrowing my brows at two cars parked there. One belonged to my mother who wasn't supposed to be home till six and I'd never seen the other car- a black SUV- before. Maybe she had a guest over.

I went around the house to the backyard. I preferred using that route because my room opened directly into the backyard. Also, I didn't want to disturb mom if it was something important or related to work.

Closing my eyes, I plopped down on the bed. I must've fallen asleep because when I woke up it was six in the evening. My throat felt dry so I went to the kitchen, totally forgetting mom had someone over.

As I shut the door to the refrigerator, I heard voices. They were hushed so I couldn't make out what was being said but then an angry response made me flinch.

'No!' my mother's voice said.

Thirst forgotten, I kept the bottle on the counter and walked toward the hallway, from where the voices were coming.

Two people were standing near the foyer. My mother still wore her work clothes and a man I'd never seen before was with her. He looked very professional in a three-piece suit. They seemed to be arguing.

I couldn't see my mother's face but the man's face looked pleading. His hair was dark brown and he had a goatee. He looked my father's age but was taller and bulkier.

'Fallon, please,' he reached out for my mother. The action had a familiarity to it. The way he said her name with such intimacy didn't sit right with me. Who was this man?

My mother stepped back and shook her head. 'I can't do this, Garrett. Why now? Why after all this time?' her voice quivered.

'You know why,' he said, his jaw clenching. He was mad, I could see but he still looked at my mother imploringly.

'Just once. Just let me se-'

'Leave. There is no place for you here. Go back to your family,' she said. There was a hint of bitterness in her tone as she said that.

Garrett's lips thinned into a line. 'We'll talk about this later,' he said straightening his already impeccable suit collar.

'No, we won't,' she said. 'I'm done with you. You need to stop contacting me.'

Yearning was the only word that could describe Garrett's expression. 'Goodbye, Fallon,' he said softly and left.

My mother's shoulders sagged as if all the energy had been drained out of her.

I felt as if I had seen something I shouldn't have. My heart was hammering in my chest. I quietly walked back to the kitchen and stared at the bottle of water on the counter.

What was I supposed to think of this?

This definitely wasn't work-related.

She said she was done with him.

I shook my head. I would not let stupid thoughts into my head.

'Cara?' I heard after what felt like ten minutes had passed.

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