8 | bitches broken hearts

91 9 7

You can pretend you don't miss me

You can pretend you don't care

All you wanna do is kiss me

Oh what a shame I'm not there


I had just texted my mother that I would be home late when someone called my name from behind.

I turned to see Ms. Maxwell dressed in a brown skirt that reached her calves and a milk-colored blouse, her hair was tied in a low bun. Alice often said she didn't understand why Ms. Maxwell dressed so blandly when she could really make heads turn because she was so pretty. 'Miss Hamilton, you are requested at the principal's office,' she said in a tone that would suggest grave circumstances were to come which considering I was being called on by the principal was probably true.

'I'll be there soon,' I said to Liam who stood at my side. I had finally agreed to help him with planning the booths our school was going to set up. I wasn't doing anything with my time anyway and it would look good on my college applications.

'Alright,' he nodded and went off to Mr. Singh's class for the student council meeting.

I followed Ms. Maxwell down the hallway and to the principal's office.

I would say I was surprised to find Wade as I entered the office but I wasn't really. I knew it was coming sooner rather than later. I let out an aggravated sigh before greeting Mr. Bradley.

'Have a seat, Miss Hamilton,' he gestured to the chair in front of his desk. Wade was practically lounging on the other one.

I sat down. Wade nodded his head once at me when I looked at him, his smirk in place. He had a very satisfied look on his face sans his right eyebrow. He had decided to shave off his entire eyebrow after much deliberation. But he didn't touch the one that was unscathed. Now he wandered the halls of Woodcreek High with only one eyebrow. I would say I felt a little guilty to see him like that, but really I didn't. The bastard walked as if there were a crown atop his head instead.

His satisfied look made a dreadful feeling crawl up inside me. I really didn't know how far he could go for revenge. Even though what I did seemingly didn't do much damage to his reputation except for his friends making fun of him now and then. What have you done, Wade?

When Mr. Bradley cleared his throat, I looked at him.

His hands were on the desk, fingers intertwined as he looked between us.

'We have a situation here,' he started. Then severe gaze flickered to Wade. 'Mr. Carmichael here has been caught exploiting a student's property on the school grounds,' he said.

I furrowed my eyebrows. 'I don't understand how that concerns me.' I wasn't his guardian.

'Everything I do concern you, babe,' Wade drawled as if the whole situation bored him.

I ignored him.

'The car that he was caught keying belongs to you,' Mr. Bradley said. 'I thought you'd like to be informed.'

'What?!' my voice came out a lot louder than I had expected.

I snapped my eyes to Wade who looked so unapologetic, it made my blood boil.

My car. What was I going to tell my parents? The truth probably. There goes my whole allowance down the drain.

I clenched my hands into fists on my lap and glared at Wade.

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