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Five years later

Amara POV
I feel a finger poke my face, "Mom," my four-year-old says sternly as his hands are on his hips, " You need to go to Allie's room Dad can't make her fall asleep."

"Thank you, Liam, I am now up," I say. I guess my nap was short-lived. I make my way up to the light purple room to see Leo, my tall man with his black hair slicked back and in a suit ready to meet other Alpha's, Allie is crying as he holds her softly humming a song.

He turns noticing I have entered without having to say a word. "Thank you, I'm sorry for cutting into your bap I know you were tired. But Allie won't sleep, " he explains.

" It's ok" I hold out a hand to take the one-year-old. Her black unruly hair and her one blue eye one grey eye.

I sit in the rocking chair in the corner starting to sing an old lullaby, my mother had taught me, Allie goes to sleep after a few minutes. I look up to see Leo still standing at the door watching the both of us. I set Allie in her crib now that she is asleep and snuggles into her small whiter wolf suffer animal.

I walk out of the room, shutting the door behind me. "Why did you send Liam in to wake me when you could just mind-link me? It is eight o'clock he should be in bed." I question.

"Well you have not been feeling too well, so I figured I would use, his small grey eyes and cute nose would make you convinced enough too not be snarky with me and help put Allie to sleep." he explains. My first thought is does he know? He can't I just found out yesterday and only Harper and Maddie know since they were over at the house.

I look over at him giving him a long glance. He probably heard from Ezra and Greyson since the girls were so excited. Maddie and Greyson have twins, a boy named Jack and a girl named Marise, they are the same age as Liam.

Ezra and Harper have a little girl named Hope. Harper is pregnant with a little boy who they are gonna name Arron John also called Aj. Harper has about a month before Aj is due.

I had this great plan to tell Leo. With Liam I was so in shock I didn't get to be creative with it, I was so scared and he felt it through our link. But with Allie I had him go on a short trip down memory lane with a book of pictures of us through the years and at the end telling him he was going to be a father again. I had Ashlynn help make a cake with me that had blue and pink on the inside of the cake. The look Leo is giving me he knows something is up.

"Well you are gonna ruin the surprise, " I say rolling my eyes, " I have something in the kitchen I want you to try. Ashlynn and I made it for you before you got home." I quickly kiss him and turning to go to the kitchen.

Once in the kitchen, he sits at the island waiting for what I have for him to try. I take the cake that is covered in vanilla buttercream frosting and sprinkles since it was Ashlynn's "personal touch" to the sweet. I set it in front of him and grab a knife and plate for him to use.

"A cake, what could this be for!" he mocks surprise. Harper and Maddie totally spilled about the news. Leo takes the knife and cuts into the middle where the blue and pink meet. "So they were not pulling my paws, Amara are you pregnant again?"

"Yes I am pregnant. They were not supposed to tell you, " I whine, I take the fork from him and eat the delicious cake myself.

"This is great! I can't wait for our family to have another little wolf running around Liam is getting so big. Liam and Jack already play Alpha and Beta ordering Marise around, which then Marise yells at them to leave her alone or they need to play tag with her and hope." As he takes the fork from my hand to eat some of the cake.

We finish the slice and put the rest in the fridge. My heart has returned back to normal now beating full of happiness as I head to bed. My hands-on my stomach even if it is still flat. Leo pulls me close wrapping a protective arm around my stomach. I let the darkness consume me as I think about how far we have come, me being a shy high school girl and the big bad alpha, too a now werewolf that is Luna and next to the best thing to happen to me.

I hope you all liked the epilogue. I have an idea for the next book but it will be a little bit before it is out.
Love y'all lots

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