Chapter Twelve

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We just sit their not sure of what to say.

" Let's go change your bandage on your back, " Leo says looking back at his food.

"Yeah, I need to wash the hospital off of me." I say.

"K let's go, " as he puts me on the ground.

Once we get back to the bedroom I bead to the shower. I realize I need the original bandage off.

"Hey, Leo can you help me?" I ask walking to the doorway of the bathroom and bedroom.

"Yeah, I will meet you back in the bathroom."

A few seconds later Leo walks in only wearing a pair of black sweats. I try not to look at his bare chest, but standing in front of me it is hard not to notice the very fit body in front of me.

"Take a picture it may last longer," he says smirking. " Turn around I will take off the bandage."

I turn around and he helps me get the shirt off. Once my shirt is off he starts on the bandages not saying a word. I can feel the heat radiating off his touch. Once he is done I feel his breath on the back of my neck. I feel him kiss the area around the claw mark. I hear a shuffling around, as I turn I see Leo leaving the room in a hurry.

I turn around and start the water for the shower. Once in I let the warm water hit my back. I feel the sting of the water as it runs through the gashes that have been made reminding me of my past. After a while I turn off the water to the shower and wrap a fluffy towel around myself. I walk into the closet and put on shorts and grabbed a shirt to cover my front.

I walk out into the bedroom and see Leo at his desk again.

"Leo can you bandage this up?" I ask laying on the bed.

"Yeah, I will get the things from the bathroom just stay there".

Leo comes back and starts to put a bandage on. Once he is done he helps me up to help me with my shirt. After that, he gives my forehead a quick kiss and heads back to work at the desk. I start to feel my eyes close, I get under the covers and let the darkness take me.

Wow these blankets work really well, it is super hot in here. Why won't the blanket get off me. I open up my eyes and see half of a body laying on me from the waist down. It is too hot I can't move this man off of me. As I lay on my stomach I try and shimmy out of Leos hold. Leo shifts and the next thing I know I'm falling onto the ground.

"Owwww, " I try to stay quiet.

I see a head appear above me. "Are you alright?"

"I think so Leo, I just fell off the bed trying to cool off since you are a heater, " I say poking his cheek.

"Wow, I feel targeted for being so hot, " faking a hurt expression.

"you should," I say poking him again. "you are so heavy I couldn't move till you shifted and I fell off the bed, so yeah it is your fault".

He gets closer as I'm still on the floor. "Is it really my fault?" he says inches away from me. Before he can do anything I pull on his shoulders and he falls off the bed next to me. "What was that for?" he asks looking over at me.

"It was payback plain and simple, " I smile back.

"Is it really, " he said leaning on his elbow.

"Yup" popping the p.

"I don't think so. I think you wanted me near you again, " as he is above me in a push-up position. "I think you like me, Amara, " as he whispers in my ear.

"Whatever, " I say he is only centimeters away from my face now.

He looks down at my lips then back up to my eyes, they seem to be debating on what they want to do.

I grab his face and place my lips on his. For a second he doesn't respond, but once the shock where's off he responds back.

After a while, I pull back needing to breathe I open my eyes and see Leo's eyes have changed color.

"Leo are you alright," I ask.

"Leo is fine I'm Damien his wolf and you look very beautiful".

"Hi Damien," I shyly reply. "How are you, could you send Leo back?"

"Yeah, Yeah, we will meet again beautiful," he says kissing me quick. Leo's eyes turn back. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to lose control, I wasn't paying attention and then he took over. As an alpha our wolf is more powerful and controlling. Again Amara I am sorry if he said anything".

"Leo it is ok I would have had to meet him at some point," I say giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before I got up. I stretched my arms above my head and realized I didn't have any outstanding pain like yesterday.

"Leo how fast would I be able to heal?" I turn towards him.

"Well not as quickly as a fully shifted wolf, but where you have the gene and it seems to be showing after everything, then I was around you. It would take three days tops for you to be fully healed." He responds.

Ok wow this is crazy I have super healing abilities all of a sudden. Even if Leo explained it, it all seems crazy. I need a moment this is all crazy.

"Ok thank you for telling me," I look up at him. "I need a shower than I would like to go on a walk," Hoping he will agree.

"Ok sounds good," as he heads to the closet.

As I head to the closet and I stop at the full body mirror. I turn so I can see my back. The long scratch down my back is starting to scab over, it also doesn't look like it happened yesterday. After looking at it in amazement for a solid minute I decide to go find some clothes. What I find is a blue and black tie-dye backless shirt and a pair of ripped blue jeans. I then find a pair of black converse to go with it.

I walk into the room and see Leo dressed in a white button-down shirt and black slacks. Why is he dressed up? I wonder what is going on.

"Hey, why are you all dressed up?" As I looked him up and down.

"Well I have a special day planned for us and as Alpha I have an image to maintain as the main authority".

"What ever you say Leo, is this ok for our special day or do I need to change?" I ask.

"You look beautiful no need to change what is already perfect," he says with a smile.

"Oh my, that was so cliche, " I say laughing.

He grabs my hand and we head out the bedroom door, then to the front door.

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