Chapter Fourteen

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I wake up in a dark damp room. I try and get up, but I feel something holding me to the wall. My arms are being held by chains.

"Help... help... Please, " I shout.

I hear footsteps coming down the hall, "No one is coming to save you, Amara, " a voice calls.

No, it can't be him, this can't happen. Why must this happen to me, I just want to be happy with Leo. I was going to learn to be happy with him.

"Hello Amara, miss me?" As my father appears in front of me.

"Why would anyone miss you," the words came out before I could stop myself.

"Looks like someone is becoming braver," he sneers. He enters the room and shuts the door behind him.

"Pl-please don't hurt me, I didn't do anything, " I cry.

"You haven't done anything, " he yells, " You are the reason she does is not here anymore."

"How is it my fault?" I hiss.

"You are the reason she went out of the house that day. She was safe in the house, but little Amara needed some ice cream that day since you had a broken arm."

"It wasn't even my idea, we had just come back from the hospital. She felt bad that I had broken arm at the park."

"It was raining and she never came back from the store. Her car was found upside down in a river. Someone drove her off the road. It is your fault."

"Why me, " I cry out. I try and get up off the floor.

"You will always be at fault if you hadn't asked for ice cream things would have been different. You deserve this as a punishment." as he steps closer to me.

As he steps closer he pulls me up. "By the way the wolf you hang out with will never come and save you."

He punches me in the ribs, again and again, I can't breathe. He throws me to the ground. He turns to leave but noise is heard from the other side of the door.

What was that? That noise didn't sound human at all. What made that noise. Ben walks back towards me and takes the shackles off my arms. He holds me in front of him like I am a shield.

The door breaks open and I see a wolf and a man standing there. The reddish-brown wolf I recognized as Ezra entered the room first.

"Well well well you bring a dog to fight  they do not involve either of you." My so-called father grits out.

"Well, you are a dog yourself so you should just leave yourself, " Leo says still in the doorway.

"Why should I leave?" he says. " This is my place if anything you could leave and forget about Amara. She is no use to you."

"You know I can't do that. As a wolf, you must have had a mate at some point. Without Amara, I will go crazy she is everything to me now." Leo stares straight at me.

"She is the person that took everything from me, my mate! She is the reason. " he is yelling now.

"please I didn't do anything wrong, " I cry out trying to look at him.

I notice Ezra is moving towards the wall that we are up against. I try to pull my father's attention back towards Leo. I have no clue what the plan is but something needs to happen fast.

"You did everything wrong and you are going to pay. Amara you are going to watch Leo die in front of you."

"I'm gonna die, " Leo laughs, " If anything you are going to die today. Amara and I are going to walk out of here today." 

My father's grip on my arm loosens enough for me to get away. I stomp on my father's foot and as he reacts I run to Leo across the room.

I don't have to turn around to know that my father is now dead. I heard Ezra jump on him before I even made it to Leo. I stand there shaking in his arms, not sure what to do now that my father is dead.

"Amara you are strong, I will help you get through this. I will be here for you whenever you need me," he says as he rubs circles in my back.

"Can we get out of here?" Ezra says. I turn around and see he has found some shorts to wear.

"Thank you, Ezra, for helping me today. You are free for the rest of the day go spend it with Harper." Leo says picking me up in his arms.

"Ok I will see you all later then, " Ezra says running out of the room.

"Let us get out of here. How about I go make us something to eat?" Leo says.

Once outside I recognize the house we exited. It was the house we first moved into when we got to Oregon. I had been stuck in a shed-like building.

"How did you find me, Leo?" I ask still in his arms. I wish he would just put me down. I am able to walk, not like my leg is broken, I can walk.

" Your father is not the most careful man. We were able to track him way back from the waterfall." he said putting me down on the ground. " you didn't look too happy with me carrying you around."

I look up at him and start to laugh that he figured that out. He looks at me like I'm crazy. He starts to walk home laughing at himself, leaving me laughing in the road.

"Wait for me please, " I say walking towards him. He stops and waits for me to catch up to him. When I reach him I'm out of breath from laughing and walking, I look at him and this is the first time I am truly happy. I put my hands on his shoulders and I lean towards him putting my lips on his. It is a sweet and passionate kiss. When Leo pulls back we are both out of breath. Leo takes my hand in his and we continue our way home.

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