Chapter 23: An eventful morning

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Vienna's POV

"Stop...don't move" I mumbled in a grumpy voice, still sleepy as I could feel the warm sun rays peeping through the small gaps in between the closed blinds.

"Okay. Your wish is my command love" The familiar voice fell upon my ears as a magic as I snuggled in a little more before letting out a satisfied sigh on finding a comfortable position, before going back to sleep.

But wait...something's wrong, I thought as my brain snapped out of the haze of my peaceful slumber.


Is that Ryan?

Of course it's him dumbo, who else calls you that, my subconscious said as my eyes flickered open realising that I was wrapped in his arms with my head resting on his chest.


Why do I always manage to land myself in such situations.

I backed away clutching the silky quilt in my hands.

"Did I ever tell you that you are much more fun when you are asleep" He said rolling his eyes playfully, lying on his side facing me with his one hand supporting his head.

"How did we end up like this..." I asked pointing a finger between the two of us.

He might think that I have some sort of short term memory loss problem but well I do remember that he came in last night and fell asleep on my lap but as far as I remember I was sitting and I never...


I felt the strong urge of slapping my forehead as I recalled the events of last night.

I didn't even realize when I fell asleep while running my fingers through his soft hair.

But soon enough I jolted out of my sleep due to the uncomfortable position I was sitting in but well I can't really move...even an inch since this stubborn man here, has still not loosened his grip on me...even a bit. 

God why did you had to make him so stubborn and arrogant...but yet so handsome...he looks so innocent while sleeping that I just don't have the heart to disturb his sleep.

He seems really tired.

Jesus! My back hurts as I have been sitting in this very position from what feels like forever.

After a few more minutes of fighting against my sleep I finally decided to see if I could wake him up just a little bit to loosen his grip so I could just slip beside him and get into a comfortable position because I'm really sleepy now...and if I don't sleep right now, I'll surely just pass out soon.

"Um..." I don't even know what I murmured hesitantly.

"Ryan..." I called out softly really not wanting to disturb him but I have to do this.

"Ryan" I called out again in a little louder voice to make sure that he heard me.

"Hmm" He hummed a response and I could tell that he was still deep in his sleep.

"Are you still up" I asked stupidity.

Obviously he's not up which is why he's not responding properly.

"Can you move a little...I need to..." I added only to be interrupted by him.

"What's wrong love" He asked in a low husky voice, raising his head to meet my sleepy eyes.

"Nothing. Just move a little so I can lie down...I'm not comfortable like this" I replied and he obliged by moving away from me as I lied down on my side facing my back towards him and sighed.

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