Chapter 6: My kitten

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Ryan's POV

"You'll be staying with me love with or without your wish" I whispered huskily in her ear before walking out.

She is really too innocent or too stupid to think that I'll let her go just like that.

It's never going to happen my love.

I laughed inside my head.

The whole day I was busy in some important meetings discussing about spreading our branch of restaurants and clubs in a few more places. Not that I already don't have clubs and restaurants across Russia but I'm planning on expanding it more.

Yes I'm a mafia but I do work and after all I wanted to create an image of a successful and reputated businessman in front of the cops and all. And to say that I have been really successful in doing that would be right.

It was around dinner time when I returned home with David. Excited to see Vienna again after a long day I straight away went to my room only to find it empty. I checked the bathroom and the walk-in-closet but didn't find her there too.

I suddenly panicked thinking that maybe she ran away and knowing her stubborn and rebellious nature only made my doubt even more stronger.

How dare she.

How dare she even try to go away from me, I was fuming by now at the thought of her leaving me.

I was about to shout for the guards to start searching for her but stopped and sighed in relief when I saw her from the balcony of my room sitting on a bench in the backyard of our mansion.

She really scared the hell out of me for a second.

I shook my head before heading to the bathroom for a quick shower.

"Go call Vienna" I ordered to one of the maids as I was sitting in the dining room with David who was busy eating but I'm waiting for her. I want to have dinner with her.

"I told you to call Vienna" I yelled at the same maid who came back after few minutes but alone.

"S-Sir she..." she trailed off nervously.

"She what" I yelled again.

"She said she doesn't wants to be around a criminal...a murderer" the maid replied bowing her head down in fear.

That's it.

What does she thinks of herself, I'm being so nice with her and what she did in return, she insulted me in front of the people who fear me.

How will others respect me if she doesn't...if she keeps insulting me like this.

I'm going to teach her a lesson for this, I thought before getting up and walking towards the backyard fuming with anger as I heard David shouting from behind to be calm but I just ignored him.

First of all she kept me waiting for her even after knowing that I hate waiting and second she insulted me in front of the people who fear and respect me, I can bare her saying whatever she wants to me when we are alone but not out of our room.

I'm going to make sure this won't happen again.

Oh there she is sitting peacefully after insulting me.

"What the hell do you think of yourself huh" I yelled as I reached for her arm pulling her towards me making her stand up from the bench she was sitting on a moment ago.

"Leave my hand Ryan" she yelled back but I only tighten my grip more.

I'm just so pissed off right now.

"Ryan you are hurting me leave my hand or else..." she kind of threatened me which was not threatening at all but her anger made her look only more cute and that melted my heart for a second before my anger came back.

"Or else what huh tell me" I said and as soon as the words left my mouth she brought her wrist which I'm still holding to her mouth and sank her teeth on my wrist.

But I didn't pull away rather I was amused seeing her doing that, I was mad at her but at the same time I wanted to laugh at her childish antics.

She still didn't let my wrist go and it pained me a little but I didn't show that on my face as I was just standing there admiring how adorable she looked trying to hurt me and get a reaction but failing miserably.

Suddenly I laughed out loud as she finally left my wrist and looked at me with a frown.

"Done?" I asked.

"You are such a kitten" I said with amusement while looking at the mark that her teeth left on my wrist.

"My kitten" I whispered huskily pulling her closer by her waist.

All my anger which I came here with gone suddenly but still I was going to talk to her about what she did.

"Listen baby I didn't like it when you insulted me in front of the maid so don't do that ever again, you can tell me whatever you want when we are alone because at that time I'm all yours I'm just your Ryan but not out of our room...don't forget that I'm a mafia too whom everyone fears, I need to maintain that fear which I see in their eyes every second I can't afford it to disappear" I said putting my index finger under her chin to make her look in my eyes as there was a moment of silence between us.

"If you think that I'm going to follow your orders and let you boss me around then let me tell you that you are wrong, you know me well enough to know that I don't follow anyone's orders doesn't matters if it's from a mafia or someone else" she replied coldly.


I love it.

"We'll see that later now come on let's have dinner" I said as I held her hand in mine before walking back in the mansion towards the dining room though she still protested a little but soon we were having our dinner in silence.

It felt so good to have dinner with my Vienna after so long but that feeling lived short as anger raised in me when I noticed one of my bodyguard who was standing by the entrance of the dining room looking or should I say ogling at Vienna, my blood boiled seeing his lustful gaze on her.

My jaw clenched and my palms turned into fist as both Vienna and David looked at me confused because of the sudden change in my mood.

And before I could control my temper my hand reached for the gun that was stuck under the dining table for emergency uses. Her eyes widen as she saw the gun in my hand and before anyone could realize what I was doing I shot the bodyguard a few times right in the forehead as his body fell on the floor with a thud. Everyone who was present there were shocked and scared with the sudden events that took place in just a flick of seconds.

"W-Why did you do that" Vienna asked with shock and fear visible in her eyes.

"He was staring at you in an inappropriate way, he was practically eye raping you. I can't stand anyone doing that" I replied coldly but with satisfaction looking at his body which was now lying dead on the floor.

"You have turned into a monster" she said making me look at her.

"You are a monster" she added with disgust and teary eyes before getting up and running upstairs.

She left but her words kept ringing in my ears.

You are a monster.

Yes love you are right, monster is what I'm.

I'm a beast who is hopelessly in love with the beauty.


Hey guys,

What do you think about Ryan so far?

Do you think what he did was right?


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Until next time.

With lots of love.

Crystal :)

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