Chapter 7: His drug

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Vienna's POV

I shivered with fear as I recalled the event that took place just few minutes ago in the dining room. I can't stop thinking how he killed a human without even thinking for a second. The whole scene kept playing in my head like a movie again and again.

I just can't get it out of my head.

Sure in the past he always got into a fight with the boys who looked at me the way his bodyguard did and at that time I found it cute and also felt so protected and safe with him, but now...he didn't just got into any fight but he straight away killed the man with a cold heart.

He was possessive and protective back then too and somehow I loved it but now I don't know what to call him or what say about his act of killing a man who just looked at me in a wrong way. Being protective over our loved ones is a good thing but not to such extents.

Not to the extent of killing someone.

As much as I love him I can't forget what he is now, but still I don't understand why can't I just stop loving him but also this new him is making me hate him at the same time.


It's so difficult to love and hate a person at the same time, it's like I wanna go away from far as possible but at the same time I just can't find it in myself to do so. It hurts me seeing him changed so hurts me that I love him so much.

But I have to do this, I just want to get away from him I can't take it anymore, I can't live with a criminal...a killer.

But as much as I know him he won't let me go back to Canada that easily, he's stubborn as hell. But I have to get out of here as soon as possible at least before he finds his way back to my heart by breaking the strong walls that I have built around it and also before I give in to his stubborn love.

I'm somehow feeling so guilty right now because someone lost his life because of me after all Ryan killed him just because he was ogling me in a wrong way.

After all killing is not the only solution.

We could have handled this situation in some other way although I know that the man was not good but we have no right to take away someone's life like a piece of cake.

I have to find a way to get out of here soon. But I don't know how to do that because the whole mansion is secured by his bodyguards it would be impossible to get out of here without them noticing.

And if unfortunately they caught me red handed either they would stop me from going or they would inform Ryan about it. Anyways how stupid I'm, either way he'll get to know about my escape plan in the end and I don't want that to happen.

Though I'm not scared of him but sometimes I'm, like after seeing the pure rage and killer look in his eyes when he killed that man so that's why I don't want him to catch me red handed while escaping, I don't want to face his wrath.

Although I know he won't harm me in any way because after all these months there is still one thing that hasn't changed at all and that is...his love for me rather it has grown more deeper and stronger.

I don't know if I should be happy that someone whom I love loves me back endlessly or sad that the person I love unconditionally and also the person I'm being loved by is a dangerous mafia.

But one thing I know for sure is that we can't be together anymore although I was more then happy to see him again safe and sound but maybe we are just not meant to be together.

Our worlds are totally different now where as I believe in kindness and forgiveness, he believes in killing people for their smallest mistakes.

I know there's still some humanity and kindness left in him but if he is not ready to change then unwillingly we have to part our ways.

Either he has to hold on to me or being a mafia, I'm still ready to forgive and forget that he had killed people and start a new life with him if he decides to leave this world of his and come back to me but I already know very well that he won't do that. He wants to be a mafia and be with me at the same time but that's impossible for me.

So that's why I have come to a painful decision to leave for Canada without him knowing somehow.

No no no Vienna you can't go back there because the first place he'll search for you will be Canada, suddenly my subconscious kicked in as I nodded my head in agreement.

Right I have to go somewhere else where he won't even think about searching for me.

But I think I'll need someone's help in escaping this place.

And that person is David with no doubt.

So I walked out of my room no no scratch that not my room but the room I'm staying in for a few days. Nothing in this house is mine and it'll never ever be.

But Ryan is yours, a low voice in my head whispered.

Oh so here wakes up my stupid heart again who is still hopelessly in love with that idiot Ryan, even after knowing that he is a mafia.

A dangerous one to be more specific.

I shook my head walking towards David who was just about to walk downstairs.

"David come here" I said pulling him aside into a room where no one could hear us.

"What's wrong" he asked with a frown.

"Everything is wrong and it'll be the same way till your beloved friend stays in my life" I replied "But you can make everything right by helping me escape from here" I added coming straight to the point.

"Are you crazy, do you want to get me killed by my own friend" he said almost shocked.

"David please you are my only hope right now, please help me after all I'm like a little sister to you and I don't know a brother in the world who'll let his sister stay with a man like Ryan" I replied as he shook his head.

"No Vienna you might be a sister to me and I'll do anything for you but not this because while doing this I'll hurt my friend badly, the friend who was with me in the times when no one else was" he said.

"I can't betray him like this, for me he comes first then you so please don't make me choose" he added.

"But don't you see what he has turned into he is a monster and he'll be more cruel if I be with him, didn't you see what he did to that man. We both are not meant to be together so we shouldn't fight against our destiny and be with eachother it's of no use. I can't live a life fearing that someday he might not come back home...that he'll not come back to me I'm not strong enough to handle that" I replied almost on the verge of crying.

"Please help me" I added but that sounded more like a plead.

"Vienna don't cry...fine I'll make sure that you get a chance to escape this mansion soon" he replied with a defeated sigh.

"Tha..." I wanted to thank him but he interrupted me.

"But I want you to know one thing that you can escape this place for now but you can never escape from Ryan because he loves you to the extent that now he is obsessed with you, you are his drug and we all know what happens when someone doesn't gets the thing they are addicted to...he'll go mad when he finds out that you ran away" he said before walking out leaving me alone to absorb his words.

And then it hit me...the thing that I myself knew deep down but kept denying.

I can't escape Ryan.

No matter what.

But that doesn't mean that I'll not try.


Hey guys,

So an early and a little long update.

What do you think about Vienna's decision?

How will Ryan react to this?

Will she even be able to escape?


Please vote, comment and share.

Until next time.

With lots of love.

Crystal :)

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