Chapter Thirty-Six

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"Ali," Colt's voice stirred me awake, "Wake up, or we'll be late to school."

I groaned, opening one eye and glancing at him before rolling over and burrowing into the covers.

"Wake up, Ali," he gently shook my shoulder, I shook my head.

"Let's just skip," I muttered, rolling over to look up at him. Colt was already showered and dressed, unlike me who probably had drool stuck to her face.

He looked upon me amusedly, "Really? You'd skip?"

I looked up at the ceiling, knowing that if I meant it he'd be completely alright with skipping, but then again, Chloe would get super worried...I blinked slowly, feeling some anxiety settle over me.

"Ehhhh, I want to...but I don't..." I mumbled indecisively.

"You've got twenty minutes to make your decision, alright? I'm gonna go talk to Gram," he threw the blanket over my head jokingly.

I left it over my head, feeling my warm breath fan over my face. Nasty, I scowled, throwing it off and clambering out of the warm bed. The cool air hit me, making goosebumps appear on my skin.

"Maybe I will stay out of school," I called to Colt, "Can you lay with me?"

I heard him come back into the room but I was heading to the bathroom first. I really had to get rid of this morning breath, and maybe brush my hair...wash the slobber from my face.

When I came back to the bedroom, Colt was laying in the bed, shirtless. I stopped mid-step, only for a millisecond, but it was enough for him to notice and smirk.

I smiled at him and crawled onto the bed, "Y'know I only wanted you to lay with me so I could fall asleep."

He wrapped me in his arms innocently, "Oh, I know, what'd you think I was doing?"

I blushed bright red and buried my head in his chest, breathing in deeply, "I didn't think anything."

"Liar," he called my bluff, ruffling my hair.

I sighed, just keeping my eyes closed and focusing on him instead of what happened last night.

"Hey, you feeling alright?" He murmured, seeming worried.

"I'll be fine, once I fall asleep," I said half serious half joking.

"Do you want to talk about it? I'm here, y'know," he insisted.

"I know you're here, Colt," I chuckled, "I'm not really sure what to even say if I tried to explain, it's just...nerve wracking having all this shit happen and so it's kinda like 'What next?'"

He mulled that over, clearly thinking hard about what to say to reassure me. I closed my eyes and fell asleep, too tired to keep talking.
I stretched, yawning deeply. When I opened my eyes, the afternoon sun was shining through the window. Colt wasn't beside me anymore, which meant he'd snuck away earlier to talk to Gram.

I stood up, reaching for Colt's sweatshirt that hung off the desk chair. I slipped it on, and began heading downstairs.

I found them at the table, laughing wildly over something one of them had said.

"Morning," I greeted with a yawn.

"Morning? Dear, it's Afternoon now," Gram chuckled, "Would you like some pancakes?"

"Yea, that sounds good," I sat down at the table with them. Gram stood and went to the fridge.

"So how'd ya sleep?" Colt asked me.

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