Chapter Twenty Six

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  • Dedicated to Marah Kittelson

When we finally left the beach it had to have been midnight or later. We spent that time talking about the future, our past, an often kissing each other.

When he dropped me off at my place he kissed me goodnight--or good morning I should say--and then walked back to his truck, saying that he'd text me in the morning when he got up.

As soon as I could, I called Chloe, telling her to haul ass over to my place ASAP. She responded with a 'BTS'. Which means Be There Soon.

I relaxed in my room, a huge grin on my face as I stared out the window.

Chloe burst into my room a half hour later, "You better have a great reason for waking me up in the wee hours of the morning," she teased.

"I do," I smiled at her, "Sit down."

She did, coming and sitting on my bed beside me, "Whats up, girl?"

"Colten and I went on a date, and it was magnificent!" I gushed, "It was so beautiful and he was such a gentleman!"

"You forgave him? Did he explain everything? Tell me every detail!" she demanded, looping an arm around my shoulders.

So I did, telling her about when he got here, our date, me forgiving him, more about our date.

"Oh my," she sighed, "Thats lovely, are you sure your going to keep him?"

"Yes, silly, he's all mine," I giggled.

"Im still kinda mad at him though, he was flirting it up with Lauren!" her doe like eyes widened even more then normal.

"I know, he said he'll explain it when he can, and I trust him so I know that he wouldn't cheat on me."

"How do you know? You just started dating."

"Because, I love him and I know what your thinking, 'your a teenager, you don't know love' well I think I do. Because this is love, Chloe, I love him."

She made an 'aww' noise and hugged me, "Are you sure? Thats so romantic!"

I laughed, "Yea, Im sure."

"You guys are great for each other, like no shit, you just fit together," she wiped away a tear, "But don't think I wont kick his ass if he hurts you."

We laughed, "Okay, okay, you staying the night?"

"Hell yes, Im not driving home again, Im so tired."

I nodded, "I bet, being the fierce lion is a tiring job."

"Shut up," she giggled, "But yes, it is."

I hugged her again, "Your awesome, you know that?"

"Of course I know that! Your pretty awesome yourself, partner, but the question is, when are you going to tap that fine specimen you call a boyfriend?"

We laughed again before I sighed wistfully, "I don't know, Chloe, I don't know."

"You know what? Fuck just me spending the night, lets get the boys over here and play some games."

I let out a loud giggle, "Should we?"

"Hell yes, get your phone!" her smile was brighter then the sun.

I did, grabbing it off my nightstand and dialing Colt.

"Hello?" a tired voice mumbled.

"Hey, Colt," I greeted, feeling a twinge of guilt for waking him, "Sorry to wake you."

"You didn't wake me, I was just getting done studying," he paused, "Whats up?"

"Chloe and I were wondering if you'd like to spend the night," my eyes met Chloe's, she urged me to talk more, "Uh, actually you don't have a choice..."

"Really?" he asked slyly, "And what would this sleepover include? Considering its a Monday night."

I blushed, "Uh, truth or dare," it sounded more like a question.

Chloe laughed at my blush, "Im calling Steven."

"Well, then count me in," I could hear his smile, "Good to know you miss me already, Darlin'."

I laughed, he said he'd be here soon and then hung up with an 'I love you'.

I set my phone back on my nightstand and grinned to myself, watching as Chloe smiled, nodded, and twirled her hair around her finger as she spoke with Steven. Smiling I waited for Colten to text me when he was here. Tonight was going to be a fun night, thats what I knew.

Half an hour later, Colt, Steven, Chloe, and I were sitting in a circle playing truth or dare.

"Truth or dare, Alice," Chloe asked me.

"Uh, truth," I stammered, I didn't like dare and I never picked it.

"I dare you to...hmmm...what should I dare you?" She pondered.

"I said truth, Chloe," I stated.

"You always pick truth, so I'm changing it up for you," she put a hand to her chin and glanced around the room.

"Umm, I'm not okay with that..." I trailed off, glancing at Colt.

"Relax, Ali, you'll survive, nobodies died from truth or dare," she insisted.

"Yea, did ya look that up?" I asked, "Cuz I'm pretty sure some people have."

"Just chill, I wont make you do anything you don't want to," Chloe rolled her eyes, and as much as I hated her for this, I knew she was right. I could trust her with this. Or at least, I hoped I could.



Hey, guys, what should the dare be? I suck at this so just comment what you think it should be and I'll choose the one I like best, or the one that is commented the most. I wont be updating for a little bit, cheerleading try out practices all week and soccer starts this week too, not to mention Final Projects for school, ugh, I'll be so busy! Vote, COMMENT, Follow:):);)

XOXO, Morgiebug <3

P.S. not edited

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