Chapter 12: Mutual Friend

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30th September 1998

Spencer Memorial Hospital, Raccoon City

U.B.C.S. Alpha Squad

Cpl. Carlos Oliveira

It was a few hours ago that I found Jill has been infected by the T-Virus. I immediately bring her to the Spencer Memorial Hospital in the hope of searching for a cure. Recently I just learned that Dr. Bard, one of the Umbrella scientists is developing a vaccine for this outbreak. I just hope that he can save Jill. Jill is losing her consciousness, so I have to carry her all the way to the hospital. When we arrived, I immediately lay her on the bed in the emergency room. So far there is no zombies in this room, and I hope that lasts.

"Fight it, Jill."

Jill moans in pain as the virus starts to do some damage to her body. Her breath slowly becomes unstable. I know that's my cue to move faster and that's what I did.

"I'm going to get you that vaccine. You're going to be OK. I promise."

I left her alone in the emergency room and start finding Dr. Bard. I look around the hospital and finally, I found his office. Getting there wasn't easy. I have to fight the zombies and some mutated freak along the way. As soon as I enter the room I was surprised. My eyes widen as I found him dead on his chair, a bullet hole can be seen through his head. He was killed by someone.

"Bard..." Immediately I turn to my radio and inform Tyrell about it. Tyrell is one of the serving members of the Alpha Squad. We've been helping each other since the outbreak starts and now, he's helping me to find a cure for Jill.

"Tyrell! Bard's dead. He's been shot!" I inform him.

"Shit. And the vaccine?" he asked from the radio.

"I'm looking."

"Well, look harder! There's gotta be a computer, right?"

I follow his suggestion and find a computer in the room. I located one and I think this computer belongs to Dr. Bard. I start digging information from this device when suddenly I found a video. I start it and I can see Dr. Bard is recording himself.

"This is VRC Chief Nathaniel Bard. September 29... 11 p.m. ... I am acutely aware that my time's running out. And I hope and pray by making this recording and bringing the truth to light... that I can restore some small shred of honor to my name. All of Raccoon City's suffering began with the release of a biological weapon known as the T-Virus. My employer, the Umbrella Corporation, engineered this virus... and they ordered my team to develop a vaccine, which we did. Now I keep samples of this vaccine here in my office. The rest of it is stored underground. But those sons of bitches on the board... they want to destroy it. They don't want the world to know what they've done... so they're trying to erase all evidence that the virus ever existed. Now I'm not a fool. I know they don't want me to-" Suddenly the record was cut off.

I swear that before the video was cut off, I can see that Dr. Bard is looking at the door of his lab. Someone managed to get inside before me. Whoever that is, they must be the one who kills Dr. Bard. But who? One thing for sure, they must be an Umbrella errand dog. Are they UBCS? or even worst, the USS. If the Corporation sending the USS just to kill Dr. Bard, whatever he's doing is something that can damage the corporation. They're trying to cover everything up...

I take a look at Dr. Bard's corpses, "My god, Jill knew all along. And she trusted me anyway."

Anger fills me up as I learn the truth about Umbrella, "FUCK!" I punch the monitor in front of me. But I know this is not the time to feel angry. I need to find a cure for Jill. I continue to search deeper into Dr. Bard's labs and I found it, a T-Virus vaccine sample. I feel relief, at least I got a shot to save Jill now.

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