An Eye For An Eye...

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You don't choose your family as well as they don't exactly choose you. You just happen to be the fastest sperm cell to the egg and sometimes you cross that line together with another. That's just how it works.

Whatever you do you just can't shake a bond between a parent and a child, you can hurt someone mentally or physically, but in the end, something in you wants to keep holding on in the hope things will get better. Maybe they have changed? It's possible, right?

I remember the day everything went south for me, the day I started to build these walls around me, as if it just had happened yesterday.

It was a day like any other, I was 7 years old when my mother took me grocery shopping. This was nothing out of the ordinary for us, she would take me whenever I didn't have to go to school or was with my dad at the soccer field. If you would have seen us then, you would have thought we were a normal family and we were at that time. A loving and caring family without a lot of worries.

My mother had just turned 31, her first movie was about to premiere and the single she made for the movie became a hit. It wasn't a memorable day because of her achievements, no not at all. It was memorable for what she said.

My mom had left me alone at the kids-corner of our local supermarket. Not caring about anything in the world I was enjoying the cartoon on the small tv when someone tapped me on the shoulder. When I turned around I saw a kind looking man sitting on his knees. "Do you mind if I join you while I wait for my husband?" I gave him a little nod before I turned my attention back towards the tv.

My dad had always thought me not to talk to strangers, and me being his little girl would always listen to him. I did scoot over a little so the man could see the screen from where he was sitting. I would never talk to a stranger but I would always be polite and made sure to think about others. I was thought about the basics of respect and followed them as if they were the most important things in the world.

"I remember this cartoon, what was it called again. Tjerry and Timmie?" I shake my head at the stranger's comment.

"Tom and Jerry." My voice was so soft he couldn't have heard what I said.

"Oh, yes, Tom and Jerry. An absolute chef-d'oueuvre." I can feel the stranger bounce in his place when I turn around to ask him something. He stops bouncing when he sees me looking and flashes me his biggest smile. I can't help but smile back, the man his smile had something that made you want to smile back at him.

"What's a sjef doevere?" Another thing I learned from my dad, always ask if you don't understand something. Never hold back on gaining knowledge, that's the only thing that'll help you through life.

"It means that something is so good even your children will still be watching it when they are your age." The man says bopping my nose when pointing at me. I scrunch my nose at the touch but also at his words.

"Children are stupid, I want 7 dogs," I tell the man proudly as position my body towards him. He laughs when I put my arms across my chest, showing him I meant every word. My eyes lock with another man standing behind him, placing his index finger on his lips. Just as the stranger was about the ask me something the man behind him grabs his shoulder shouting 'Boo' loud in his ear.

The face of the stranger turns in one of horror, before he tips over towards the ground, throwing his arms in the air as he tries to grab on to something. I burst out laughing as he grabs the jacket of the man who scared him, making them both fall on the ground.

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