Both sides

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Isa's P.O.V.

Cold and alone. That was all I felt. Maybe this was how I was supposed to die. I had brought nothing but pain and sorrow in other peoples life. Soon I would have nothing to live for. My mother is only after my dad's money and just as my former friends she wants nothing to do with me. How did she even manage to get my new number? If it wasn't for her I wouldn't be here now. It's all her fault.

No, wait maybe if I hadn't.... if I hadn't said anything. I did this all to myself. Maybe it would be better for everyone if I wasn't here anymore. Yes, maybe that would be best for everyone.

I felt myself slowly falling into darkness as the birds sang their morning songs.

Isa wake up. I hear a beautiful voice say in the distance. It sounds so far away. Was I dead?

I feel the ground underneath me shake. What was that?

Isa, please. The angelic voice calls out to me again, only this time more pleading.

We need to get her to the hospital. Hospital? So I wasn't dead yet?

A drop of waterfalls on my cheek. After a few seconds another I feel another drop on my neck. I look up but can't see anything but darkness. A feel another drop fall on my lips, I could taste the salt on my tongue. I wipe with the palm of my hand across my eyes, nothing. So I wasn't crying?

Out of nowhere, the ground underneath me starts to shake again. What was happening? I didn't feel cold anymore, I felt myself slowly starting to warm up. I didn't feel alone anymore, weirdly enough I felt really safe like no one could hurt me.

Maybe I was dead after all?

"We should have brought her to the hospital," a voice hisses. I could feel that someone was looking at me so I stayed as quiet as possible and tried to breathe as if I was still asleep.

"Her dad told me not to bring her to the hospital," another voice calmy replies. "And besides, Cher her dad is one of the best doctor's out there, he said she'll be fine." The first person sighs. There is another moment of silence before I hear footsteps. A door was opened and closed before it became silent again.

"I know that you're awake." I hear the calm voice say. The bed on my right side dips a little. I was too scared to open my eyes. So instead I keep my eyes closed but still ask her the question I've been dying to ask since I've woken up. "How did you find me? Why couldn't you just have left me there. It's not like anyone would have missed me anyway." I mumble into the blanket, hoping she didn't hear that last sentence.

I flinch when her hand touches my cheek softly, my eyes fly open and I'm met by a pair of beautiful green eyes. At first, she looks a little shocked but her expression quickly changes to worry. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," she says sadly while looking away. "You didn't scare me, I wasn't expecting it. You just startled me a little."

She turns to face me again, instead of speaking she just looks at me intensely. I manage to look at her for 5 whole seconds before averting my eyes. I feel her watching me as I try to hide behind the blanket. "Can you please stop staring at me?" I ask her. When I peek from under the blanket to see if she had stopped.

She doesn't listen. "Why would you think no one would miss you?" She asks eventually. $#¡+ she heard that. "Just stating a fact," I mumble back.

"I'm pretty sure your dad would miss you," she says moving a little closer. Not for long, a small voice in my mind whispers. If my dad dies I'll be all alone, he is the only one I have left. No one wants me, so no one would miss me, right?

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