Chapter 30

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I don't see Chrissa in any of my first classes on Friday, but I hear... whispers in Trig. Apparently, she quit cheer captain yesterday at the football game- in front of everyone- and while the whole crowd was completely shocked, Christine walked out into the gym and the two of them made out.

In front of everyone.

I have no idea if this is true but if it is...

Well, I'd have to say that's pretty badass.

Though I can't help but feel a stab of confusion prickle at me. Is this really the best thing for her to do? Chrissa's devoted so much time and energy to cheerleading... at the end of the day she should keep doing what she loves.

Though, maybe she doesn't love it. Maybe Chrissa was just the cheerleading caption because that's what everyone expected of her. The tall, thin, popular girl dating the hottest guy in school, captain of almost all the sports teams... it made sense for her to be the head cheerleader. But, as I've been learning recently, people don't make sense.

I wish I could just ask Chrissa all this, honestly. But we're not really close enough for that. I think her crying in the bathroom was just a fluke, one brief moment where she actually let other people in, because since then she's seemed to be deliberately avoiding any topics aside from clothes and classes. She didn't even tell me that she was planning on quitting cheerleading. Or coming out in front of half the school.

But also... we've been friends for three days. I'm not exactly expecting her to spill her life story to me.

The first half of the day passes in a blur and soon I'm walking out of Trig to lunch, talking to Clair Bennet about our homework assignment. Clair and I aren't exactly close friends or anything, but she's nice- and actually cares about her grades, unlike half the people in this school (aka the Glendale kids, who can afford to buy their way into any college they want). It's definitely better than talking to the blank wall. I think speaking to inanimate objects would probably get me more stares than I would like.

"So, did you hear about Chrissa and Jase?" Clair asks, her voice hushed but excited, like she doesn't want to be caught gossiping- but like she's telling me the most important secret in the world.

News flash, Clair. It isn't a secret.

"Yeah..." I say, wondering how I can steer this conversation back to... other topics. I remember how Mayah and I used to be just like this- gossiping about Chrissa and Jase and their friend group behind their backs every day. Mayah was basically obsessed with any gossip concerning Chrissa for some reason- she was like my perpetual stream of knowledge on the subject. Back then, I loved gossiping with her too.

But it feels different now. Now that I know they're real people, not perfect cardboard cutouts. "Uh- I like your skirt," I say to Clair, pointing to the short denim miniskirt she's wearing.

"Thanks," Clair says with a smile. "It's from Urban Outfitters. It took me forever to find one in my size. The store only carried-"

But whatever Clair was about to say about Urban Outfitters' sizing is halted as she looks up at... something... her eyes widening to the size of quarters. I can practically see her recoil in surprise, the bottom of her hijab becoming slightly untucked as she abruptly stops walking. She doesn't even look away from the scene as she adjusts it.

"What is it?" I ask, my brows knitting together as I look at Clair, then, following her gaze, let my eyes travel down the hallway...

Oh. My. God.

Because walking into the school right now, the satisfied smirk on his face screaming 'player' even more than his black leather jacket-

Is Jase.

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