Chapter 19

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The doctor insists on keeping me overnight under observation. Then it's another round of tests. Another round of medicine for me to take. By the time we finally leave, I'm starting to feel worse than I did last night, the drugs and needles kicking in and making me groggy and unfocused. By the time we've made it to the doors, I think I might have lead weights attached to my body, pulling me down to the center of the earth.

My mom and Lizbeth are chatting, leaving me and Jase behind them.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Jase says. One of his arms is wrapped around my waist. It feels like he thinks I'm a glass vase that's going to topple and shatter if he stops holding me.

Well, I'm not.

"I'm fine," I say, twisting out of his grip. "I don't need your help." I step away, walking past him into the parking lot and the dizziness makes me want to keel over. My feet stumble and gravity tosses me backwards-

-until Jase catches me. Because of course that's what has to happen. "Are you sure you don't need my help?" he asks, a smirk on his face as he pulls me up. "Because I'm pretty sure you do."

I glare at him. "Stop it. Stop being so- ugh. Nice."

His arm is still snaked behind me, resting on my shoulder. I'm finally aware of how close his face is and it sends a chill through me. Why do I have to be such an idiot? Why do I keep looking at his lips? Why do I want us to keep getting closer, as much as I push him away?

Am I falling for Jase Turner?

He seems to realize the space (more like lack thereof) in between us at the same time I do, quickly stepping away and letting his arm fall. "Fine," he says. "Have it your way. I was just trying to help."

"I'm not a porcelain doll, Jase. I'm not going to break."

"You're on drugs," he says, rolling his eyes.

"What?" I ask. I'm acting perfectly rationally, thank you very much.

"No, you're literally on drugs. You can't even walk in a straight line and you just left the hospital. Sorry that I didn't just let you get hit by a car or something." He shakes his head, and I feel... slightly bad. "Just because you need help sometimes doesn't mean anyone thinks less of you."

"I know," I say, rolling my eyes, though I'm smiling a little bit now. "But a girl has to have her pride."

"Does she?" Jase asks, smirking. "And how does pride correlate to falling flat on your face in a snowbank because you won't accept help?"

"It's the principle of the thing!" I try to explain, but my mind is groggy and words don't come out the way they're supposed to. "You can't just- I'm not weak just because I'm a girl. I have to be independent," I say. I hope he doesn't notice how I just barely avoided walking into a car.

"Red." Jase stops, making direct eye contact with me. "I don't think you're weak, and it has absolutely nothing to do with being a girl. Now can you please cooperate?"

If only you realized how terrible of an idea this is.

"Fine," I say. I don't have the energy for arguing. I feel the fabric from his jacket slide across my back as he puts an arm around my waist and I lean closer, letting my body relax into his. He smells like fabric softener and sandalwood and cologne and so distinctly, familiarly, irresistibly Jase and I can't help but wonder when I first started to notice things like this. Was it there all along, a list collecting in the back of my brain for weeks? Or is it a recent development? I don't know. And for once, I don't need to know. This is my last time getting this close to Jase. It has to be. So I just try to savor every second.

It feels like no time before we reach the car and Jase and I move away from each other, the empty seat in between us feeling as vast as the ocean.

The drive home from the hospital is lively, my mother and Lizbeth filling any gaps left by my silence. I think they both understand that I'm not in the mood to talk.

We reach Turner Manor and I don't wait for Jase to offer to help me again. I just walk in by myself, letting the door slam behind me and allowing myself one brief, brief moment of... longing? No confusion, no judging, just allowing myself to feel whatever it is that I feel. It's like a tidal wave of emotion crashing into me all at once and I wonder where the hell all of that came from.

And then Jase walks inside, looking... like Jase. Which is unfortunate.

A/N: Hey guys!! So... guess who lost her laptop charger yesterday and couldn't update until this morning? I'm  so sorry guys! I feel like people probably don't care that much, but still, it annoys me that I set a deadline for myself and couldn't stick to it.  Also that this chapter is so short.  And really not good. I've had midterms all week so it's been almost impossible to find time to write (or to write anything of quality whatsoever), but I'm sorry and I'll definitely get back on track this week. 

I hope y'all are having a great Tuesday!

-Selene :)

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