Chapter 71

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He looked at the entrance from time to time waiting for her arrival. He was never the person who is interested in business parties but he was excited for this party because he will be able to meet her.

She didn't even reply to messages and whenever he called she rejected his calls. He should have guessed it in the first place that she is not coming to the party as she was still angry on him.

The reason for her anger is......they fought.

Yes, for the first time they fought in their relationship.

Little arguments and fights are common between them but nothing was serious as this.

He cursed himself for hurting her.

He don't understand women at all.

Making friendship with his ex-girlfriend, bringing her and giving job in her own company...... what's this is called....madness or craziness.

This irked him.

She introduced Tanya as her friend to everyone. He was shocked, Rads stood dumbfounded and Jai looked at her in disbelief.

He didn't say anything before AJs but it bothered him more than he thought.

He didn't want to lose Piyu at any cost and knowing what Tanya did in the past scares him. She might have changed but still he doesn't believe anyone so quickly.

He asked Piyu to not to do this mistake of believing her but she didn't listen. They both argued about it a lot and their friends tried to stop them.

Sam looked at Piyu like she was crazy because which girlfriend fights with his boyfriend defending his ex-girlfriend.

" Upto friendship it was okay Piyu but how can you trust her with your company knowing with whom she worked earlier?" Sam asked exasperated sighing loudly.

" That's why Sammy, I offered her this job. I don't want her to work for such people who drug people and trap them. I want her to be safe and secured. And about trust, she has changed a lot Sammy.....try to give her a chance, you will know." Piyu argued.

Not able to make her understand, Sam stormed off from there angrily.

Rads and Jai, both were afraid that again because of Tanya differences may occur between Sam and Piyu.

Sam sighed thinking he should talk to her after her anger subsides. Now that he think of it, he grimaced at how he shouted at her. He didn't do it wantedly.....he fought with her because he doesn't want anything bad happening with their lives.....again.

He knows Tanya has changed but it is difficult for him to trust people and he doesn't want to take any chance or risk because it is the matter of his love, his life, his everything........his Piyu.

Just then he heard that AJ's entered to the party and just like that all the attention turned towards them. It was only Aditya who came and there was no one beside him. Aditya came straight towards Sameer while there were many people who wants to meet him first.

They both hugged each other and got involved in their business talks.

" So, you both didn't sort out your fight still?" Aditya asked smirking.

" How do you know?" Sam asked looking baffled at him.

" I know.....yesterday I saw you storming out of the office angrily." Aditya said seriously.

" It just seems like I am the angry one here.....but in reality she is the one who is angry." Sameer said huffing.

Aditya laughed out loudly making Sameer scowl at him.

UNREQUITED LOVE ❤️💔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora