Chapter 46

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Sameer is missing Piyu too badly. He want to cancel this stupid deal and go back to her. But he knows how much he and his staff worked hard to get this deal and he also knows Piyu will kill him if he did that.

He sighed and ran his hands through his hair. He thought it's just 3 weeks more and he will be with her. He also thinks that he will confess his love to her when he gets back to India.

Few girls here had tried to approach him and also made a move on him. But he didn't even let them touch him. He was Sam to his best friends but to the whole world he is the ruthless and  arrogant businessman Sameer Khanna.

He turns cold, arrogant and angry automatically when he is in his business mode and no one messes with him. He totally forgets everything when he is doing work.

But he will not forget Piyu though as he breathes her name with his every heart beat. He managed to call his Mom two times and Piyu three times out of his busy schedule.

He also texted her few times whenever he missed her. Yesterday also he texted her when he was having his dinner but he didn't get any reply. He thought she must be busy and waited but he got worried when he didn't get any reply for hours.

This never happened as she always replies immediately whenever he texted. He sent her some messages regarding where is she but he didn't get any reply again.

He got paranoid and texted Rads. He got panicked when she also didn't reply to him as it was impossible for Rads to not to reply him because her phone is always glued to her hands.

Did something happened to them?

That thought itself made him restless. Immediately he dialed on Rads number. She didn't pick the call and he dialed again.

" Hello." Came the irritated voice of Rads.

" Rads! Where are you? Why didn't you answered my messages and calls?" He asked her.

" I was in a meeting Sam." Rads said.

" Oh! Where is Piyu? She is not replying to my messages."

" She must be busy Sam, you are worrying unnecessarily." Rads huffed.

" No! She never does that. You call her now and find out where is she." Sam said worried.

" I am hungry Sam, I should eat first. You call her for yourself." Rads yelled.

" If she is busy then I don't want to disturb her and I don't want to sound desperate to her. So you please call her and find out." Sam pleaded her.

" Urghhh! Sam you owe me for this. " she said frustrated out of hunger.

" Of course I will give you a big treat after I come back." Sam promised.

" OK then." She said and hung up.

Sam waited for her call and when he got the call, he jumped in his place. Rads told him that Piyu is alright and was busy that's why she didn't answer. Sam sighed in relief.

And now he is currently going to his place where he is staying at California after a business meeting. He went into his room and removed his coat and shirt. He was so tired and wanted to take a hot shower to relax.

His phone started to ring and he took it out to see Piyu was calling him. His face lit up like a thousand watts bulb just seeing her name flashing on his screen.

" Hello Piyu." He said desperately to hear her voice.

" Hello Sam! Did I disturb you?" She asked him.

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