Chapter 10

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Two Years Later.......

Sameer POV :-

I looked at the huge building in front of me which became my second home nowadays and Infact I stay here more time than at my home.

I sighed.

I myself don't know how I became so much workaholic. I didn't have much choice though, if we want to become successful then we should work, work and work.

I entered into my office where everyone stopped doing whatever they are doing, chit-chatting, laughing and looks at me with fear and respect while greeting me.

I just nodded at them and stepped into my elevator. I came out of the lift when I reached my floor and walked towards my cabin. I sat on my chair and leaned my head back closing my eyes. I wonder how much my staff is afraid of me.

I know actually why because I had always been the tough boss for them. I am very much strict and arrogant when it comes to the work. I cannot tolerate any carelessness and mistakes in my office.

I was not like this before. I was an easy going guy, friendly and light headed person until......

Until that fateful day........

I shut my eyes tightly to avoid those scenes playing in my mind.

A knock interrupted my painful thoughts.

" Come in " I ordered.

I looked up to see my secretary coming inside with my schedule for today.

She is wearing a tight short dress flaunting her figure.

" Sir, this is your schedule for today." She said and smiled seductively at me.

This became my daily routine.

And I didn't care like I always do.

" Ok..... anything else." I asked looking down at my schedule.

" Nothing Sir, that's all for today." She said standing closely near my table.

" Ok you may leave now." I said not looking at her.

She sighed and went out of my office.

I came across many girls like her who are desperate for my attention in my life so I had learned how to deal with them.

I looked down at my schedule. I had to attend two meetings today and an official party hosted by one of my clients.

This is my daily schedule.....come to office, attend meetings, work and finally go to home and sleep.

It was already evening when I finished my meetings for today and so  went to attend the party. I met my clients and some other business partners there. I talked with them for sometime and left from there saying that I have some urgent meeting to attend.

It is not surprise for them that I don't drink, I don't enjoy parties, I don't socialize more.

Because they know I am like that.

I reached home and went to my room. I took a quick shower and changed into a t- shirt and sweatpants.

I headed downstairs to my Mom's room.

" Mom" I knocked on her door and called her.

" Come in Beta." She said.

" What are you doing ?" I asked her going inside her room.

" Just reading a book." She said smiling at me.

" Had your dinner?" I asked her.

" Yes beta " she said

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