5. Unaware Effects

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I squeezed my way through the packed subway whose patrons likened sardines in a can. I looked at the address Tyler had sent me before I looked on the tiny display at the head of the subway car. My stop was next.

I slid my way through the men in business uniforms, teenagers, and mothers holding their children until I was standing in front of the door. I got into my the-subway-is-stopping-so-open-your-stance-so-you-won't-fall-on-your-face-or-butt stance just before the subway lurched to a stop, causing some people to stumble or tightly hold onto their overhead bars before the doors smoothly slid open. I quickly hurried out as the sea of newcomers rushed into the train like a flood.

I looked up at the not-so-helpful signs that were hanging from the dingy ceiling, a gush of air whipping past my face as the train I'd just been on pulled off. My heart rate increased with each step I took closer and closer. Even when I emerged from the subway, I felt a wave of heat rush to me. I looked around me at a part of New York I hadn't really seen before other than passing through. The buildings were tall and leaned in on me, but not the way they did back home. The feeling in the air shifted as I walked closer and closer to my final destination. Trash lined the edges of the street and shadows clung to the alleyways between the close buildings.

My eyes alternated between the map on my phone and my unfamiliar surroundings until I got to the building I was looking for. I walked up the minimal stairs and pressed the buzzer for Tyler's apartment, number 7, my favorite number. Grime lined the bottoms of the discolored walls and a slight stench filled the air. The sound of a baby crying filled my ears, causing me to cringe and step away from the buzzer. "Shh, Seren, it's okay," Tyler gently said. "Dang, you got some lungs for a baby."

"Ty?" I asked, a slight grin tugging at the edge of my lips as I imagined his big frame trying to console such a small, fragile baby.

"Hey, Addi. I'll buzz you in. I'm on the second floor, third door on the right."

"'Kay, thanks," I said as a low click filled the air, signifying the door had been unlocked. I pulled it open and instantly, the smell of sweat and cigarette smoke hit me in the face. I honestly had to resist the urge to turn around and walk out. But the boy I'd committed spending today with was waiting for me less than twelve feet above me. I couldn't stop now.

I made my way to the stairwell and climbed up to the second floor. My footsteps loudly echoed in the horror-movie-esque stairwell. Dead spiders and other insects were scattered about in the corners of the well, and a weird sense of relief flooded over me when I emerged out to the second floor. I instantly saw apartment seven. Well, I heard it before I saw it, and I couldn't help but chuckle as I approached. Serenity's wails filled the air and invaded my head, like a siren's song. I waited a few moments before I knocked on the door.

After a few moments, the door opened, revealing a shirtless Tyler donning a pair of black sweats and a durag on his head and a crying toddler in his arms. "Hey," he said with a smile.

"Hey," I said as he started bouncing his baby sister on his hip.

"Come in. come in," he said as he stepped out of the way.

"Thanks," I said as I stepped in. The first thing I noticed was how clean his apartment was, a stark contrast to the rest of the building he lived in, though I wasn't surprised. Everything about Tyler was well put together, so why would his home be any different?

"I'm sorry about all this, I know we were supposed to meet at the theater, but my dad called in and said he had to work late today, so I had to call a babysitter last minute and now we're waiting for her. With any luck, we'll only be a little bit late."

"It's okay," I said as he started rubbing his baby sister's back, slowly calming her down. "Can I help at all? I mean, I've dealt with this multiple times with all three of my little siblings."

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