37. Growing Distance

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Sweat collected on my palms as I tightly gripped the steering wheel. I'd parked the car across from Tyler's apartment building nearly ten minutes ago, however, he made no move to get out, nor did I try to pry.

He looked pale and his gaze was fixed on his shaking hands, his jaw constantly clenching and unclenching. What was going through his mind?

I reached over and covered his hands with mine in an effort to distract him. For the first time ever, he tensed and jerked before his gaze met mine, however, he didn't relax the way he normally did when he realized it was me. That only made me worry even more.

"Do you want me to go in there with you when you're ready?"

"I..." He trailed before he broke eye contact and shook his head. "No. I...I need to face this part alone. He told me... I'm going up there to figure out why my mom is here and she'll only be more hostile and closed off if you come with me and I really want to resolve this with as little arguing as possible."

I nodded though I knew he couldn't see me. "I understand. I'll wait out here for you and call me if you need anything. I'm not leaving you, I promise." To seal it, I pressed a soft kiss to the back of his cold, shaking hand.

"Thanks," he softly said, but instead of sounding like the confident, sassy boy that I fell in love with, he sounded like a timid child who was going to face their parents after doing something wrong. I wanted to do nothing more than lock him in the car with me and protect him from whatever was waiting for him in that apartment.

But I couldn't. I had to respect his wishes and allow him to do it on his own, even though it killed me.

He gave me a woeful smile before he exited the car. Just like the shower, the car felt empty and cold without him. Every second felt like a year, and every minute was a millenia. My arms ached for him as thousands upon thousands of scenarios bounced around my head as I imagined what he was going through and what was being said.

I just wanted to know he was ok.

I nervously drummed my fingers on the steering wheel before my phone vibrated in my pocket, causing me to jump. Once I realized it was only my phone, I calmed down, quietly cursing my over active nerves. Once I pulled out my phone, I realized that Padre was calling. I quickly answered, hoping that his antics could distract me until Tyler came back.


"Addi? Where are you guys, practice got out a while ago, did it not?"

"Yeah, dad, but Tyler's dad called and he said he needed to get home ASAP so I brought him over straight from practice. They're talking about his mom and stuff, but I'm still in the car."

"Is his mom there?"


"Addison, it's good that you're trying to be there for Tyler, but you should've brought him here first so we could've taken him. As far as he's told us, his home situation is extremely unstable now that his mom is there and I don't want her taking out any of her anger or confusion out on you or him. It's still a very dangerous situation that you both need protection from."

I sighed and mentally cursed my ignorance. I'd been so focused on getting him here that I didn't fully process the risks, both physically and emotionally. "You're right dad, I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking straight. All I knew was that he needed something and I wanted to give it to him."

Padre chuckled. "Yeah, Addison, you definitely remind me of your father and I when we were your age; running into danger, feeling like we could conquer the world as long as we had each other. But then we had our rude awakening. Multiple of them, and it's my job as your father to keep those 'awakenings' from happening to you. You need to be more careful and deliberate. That's what's going to help Tyler in the end, okay?"

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