Arc 2.9 - Grayson Hale

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Grayson had finished his food and was now in the process of packing a duffel bag for his trip home.

"Hmm, am I missing anything?..."

"Yeah. A talk with me." A voice came from behind him.

"Good call." Grayson turned around with his eyes closed. He wasn't surprised as he had heard Adrian long ago.

"You know? You could've at least put me on the sofa instead of the floor."

Adrian was leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed, he raised an eyebrow at Grayson's response and looked at him with disdain.

"Did u really just say that? After what you did last night? You deserve it."

Grayson paused for moment, "Ohh...that's right, I attacked you." He sighed and sat on his bed while leaning back with his arms holding him up. "I'm sorry about that. It won't ever happen again, I promise. You don't have to worry about it." Grayson was super nonchalant about it that Adrian got the feeling that this happened often. He began frowning at this thought.

"And Valeria?"

Grayson raised an eyebrow at this, "what about her?"

"I found you guys both drunk and making out together last night. It would have gone further if I didn't interfere." Adrian growled out.

Grayson made a blank face before letting out another "ohh."

"That was her? Damn. I'll apologize to her too next time we meet."

Adrian narrowed his eyes at him before moving his eyes to the open duffel bag on the bed. His face became even more darker.

"That's it?"

Grayson looked confused at his sudden outburst, "what else do want me to say?"

Adrian snapped at this. He abruptly walked up to Grayson and was suddenly grabbing Grayson's collar, pulling him up from the bed. Their faces were so close to touching each other's, they could almost feel the other's breath brush across their skin.

"You can't just go around kissing random people when your drunk! And now you're going to leave just like that! Clearly you have an issue! And all you can say is sorry!? Fuck you!"

Grayson opened his mouth but no words came out, he closed his mouth and just pursed his lips, lifting his face up just enough to make it seem as if he was looking at Adrian straight in the eyes. Adrian just scoffed after seeing that Grayson had nothing to say.

"Wow. I cannot believe you right know-"

"Hey." Grayson suddenly voiced out in a chilling voice, interrupting Adrian's angry dialogue. "My actions while I'm drunk can't hold any weight. I'm not in control or aware of any common sense in that state. However, I understand your anger and frustration, I'm apologizing now. I'm sorry that I forced you into a position you were uncomfortable with. Kissing you was a mistake." Grayson's voice eventually toned down into a calm and soothing tone, the natural baritone of his vocal cords reverberated through to Adrian's mind. "Accidentally tripping and falling on top of you was a mistake as well. That must've hurt, I'm sorry. I'm aware of my mistakes but if you don't think apologies are enough, what do you want me to do? Grovel? Cause I can't take back a kiss. Don't go spilling your negative emotions onto me just because of these few mistakes, alright?"

"Mistakes... Fucking mistakes?" Adrian muttered under his breath while clenching his teeth, he scoffed again and roughly shoved Grayson back on the bed and walked out. A slam from the apartments front door was heard not long after.

"Well now..." Grayson slowly opened his grey eyes, pushed himself off the bed and smirked towards the door, "seems like someone really did wake up on the wrong side of the bed." Grayson chuckled at the angry teenager's little drama act.

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