Arc 1.25 - Alex McGuire

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During these days, Alex and Leo have been showing some chemistry after finding some common ground as they interacted more. They had made progress on their plan to bring down Sherry and Brendon.

They actually collected a lot of juicy things that could give them and their company a huge blow. Info of Sherry coveting Roland Enterprises Shares under the table illegally with lots of details and authenticity thanks to Eric as he had somewhat been involved. Not only that, Brendon Cobern himself had some pretty huge problems with anger management issues that had been covered up quietly, Alex definitely used that to his advantage and had Parasite bring out all the info on those incidents. Not shockingly, someone had died in one of those incidents. Leo had brought out proper evidence of Sherry being the one to introduce him to drugs, he was the victim and witness to Sherry's plots.

Today, Leo would bring out all this dirt to the public, completely and effectively killing them off. Today is also the day Alex will leave for Porgeon.

It's 3 AM and Alex's flight left at 5 so now was the best time to leave. Slinging a duffel bag over his shoulder, Alex walked downstairs and saw Eric leaning against the entrance door with his arms crossed.

"What are you doing awake?"

"Have you been avoiding me?"

"Avoiding you? Why would you think that?"

Eric looked straight at Alex with stubbornness. He wasn't going to move until Alex fessed. Otherwise he would follow him to Porgeon and not let him leave his side. Alex hadn't made a single move since he had been drugged and lately it's as if he had been trying not to do anything, keeping distance between each other. Not only that but feelings of unknown jealousy have been coursing through his veins every time he saw Alex and Leo becoming more chummy with each other as the days past. He's never felt so annoyed and frustrated before. Even when Sherry and Brendon we're together, he didn't necessarily have any real feelings of jealousy but rather dislike. And after realizing this he doesn't feel any better about it.

"Ok, I thought it would be best for us. That night... I don't think it was very pleasant for you. So clearly we shouldn't be so close. But, just this once." Alex dropped his duffel bag softly on the ground. He suddenly pulled Eric's wrist and his body crashed into Alex's broad chest.

Eric gazed at the handsome face only inches away from his own with that piercing gaze penetrating his soul, he realized that he had no ability to push him away.

"Wh-who said that it was unpleasant..."

His face was so close that his breath brushed across Eric's cheek.

"Oh? It wasn't unpleasant?" Alex laughed.

When Eric felt Alex's soft lips touch his own, his mind completely short-circuited. The man softly nibbled on Erics lower lip, sucking it slowly. The kiss was not urgent or passionate. It was just a simple kiss which displayed a gentle but sincere feeling. Completely the opposite from the Intense emotions and feelings that were filling Eric whole being at the moment.

"Your honestly just too cute."

Alex picked Eric up, walked to the living room and laid him down on the sofa.

"I'm coming with you!"

"You can't do that hot stuff. You have important things to do here. I also have my own important business. It's not good for either of us."

"Then how will you sleep? You need me."

"Wow~ I'm glad you think so. But don't worry, I'll manage."

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