Arc 1.20 - Alex McGuire

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The chatter of the people echoed around in the large venue. Even with so many people, the area barely felt packed. Everyone was dressed in formal attire; men in tuxedos, women in evening gowns. One look and others could tell that this was a place for the wealthy. The majority of the people here were wearing clothes most average people could barely afford on a regular basis.

This event was the charity gala hosted by the protagonists.

Grabbing a cocktail from a waiter passing by, Alex walked to the corner. He's been observing everyone since he came in. Eric's people were in position while the man himself hasn't shown up yet.

Ever since Alex had talked with Matthew, he been trying to locate Sarah West. It was quite an effort but he eventually found her just last night. He had to go through the trouble of hacking himself into several different satellites until finally finding 'Sara West'. She had changed everything about herself. Her name, hair, some facial features, her home, personality, basically her entire identity and career. She's currently across the world going by the name 'Angelina Crass'. She's married and has a stepdaughter. And lives as if she was never arrested for assault and child abuse.

He decided to give her a visit soon, he just needed some free time and to finish the current task at hand.

The crowd suddenly fell into silence as the worlds two most favourite people walked in. Brendon held Sherry's waist as they walked towards the stage.

"Welcome! I'm so glad that you all could join us for this charity, it means a lot to us and the rest of the company. Please, enjoy yourselves, socialize, help yourself to our catering over there," he gestured towards the side where all the dessert and beverages were, "We shall begin shortly."

Everyone began doing their own thing after Brendon and Sherry stepped off the stage and began mingling with those around them.

Alex stood his place until he finally found the two people he's been looking for. His target just walked into the venue. While the man named Carl Fish stood beside Sherry and Brendon.

Observing these two men, he smirked. Leo White, not only does he look clean he also had an aura of sorts. Carl Fish, all he's been doing is ogling Sherry from the corner of his eye and doesn't show enough of a presence to be fit for a main character - He is now irrelevant to Alex.

Alex smirked, he went back to sipping on his drink and blending in with the rest of the crowd.

Leo White brought his parents with him to meet his sister. She ignored them for a remainder of time as she was talking to an important person and thanking them for coming. When she finally turned around to face her family, all she did was smile, while Brendon began frowning.

"Mother, father. Glad you could make it." She completely ignored her younger brother. She didn't even as much as giver her bother a glance as if he would sully her eyes.

"Sherry... How are you? It's been a little over 3 years since we've last met." Her mother had spoken softly and with gentleness as she looked at her grown daughter, married, with child and wealthy.

"I'm very good, mother. Meet my husband, Brendon Cobern."

"It's a pleasure," this time Sherry's father took initiative and sticked out his hand towards Brendon.

"Hmm." Brendon just turned to Sherry and whispered into her ear. Then coldly walked away, leaving her father's hand hanging.

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