Author's Note:

32.6K 429 18

I know I haven't updated in two days. I'm really sorry. On Friday, I was in the theater watching Mockingjay with my two best friends, only a third or so through the movie, I started feeling sick and uncomfortable. I threw up in the sink of the theater and went home afterwards. 

That night, I didn't stop throwing up until 3am, and slept in various places such as the bathroom floor, my bed, and my bedroom floor. I didn't sleep for fear of throwing up again. 

Today, I basically have spent my day sleeping or laying on the couch. I haven't eaten anything but a few spoon fulls of Ramen Noodles and spaghetti. 

Several others of my family also feel the exact same way. Including, my dad, two cousins, aunt, uncle, and grandparents. We all ate Thanksgiving at my Grandma's House on Thursday. 

What have we concluded? Food poisoning.

Yeah, my family and I have food poisoning. We don't know what kind or where we all got it from, but all I know is, I feel guilty for not updating. 

I'll update whenever I've fully recovered (around Monday/Tuesday or so).

I hope you all understand and I love you all. Thank you so much for 1.15K. 

>.< -Lindsey

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