06 Inexperience Like Me

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Okay, so the last time we talked about my boss was when I told you that I got a new contract right? If you don’t remember, please check the previous chapter. My crazy boss gave me a new contract contained some of wicked clauses if I can say. And I think I was the stupidest man on earth because I signed it before I read it. But it wasn’t all my fault, in my defense. He TRICKED me. He told me that the new one was the same as previous one. So I signed it without any question.

Yeah…. still I was so stupid back then.

In addiction to my stupidity was, he used the contract as a weapon. He told me I should follow all his order including to do this and that also I wasn’t allowed to talk to the other male employee. That was weird, but I did that tho. It was been a few days and I kept following his order. Why? Because he said that he would kiss me as a punishment if I disobeyed him.

What kind of punishment was that?

Well, I didn’t know because you know… don’t compare my boss to the other boss because like I said he needed a brain surgery.

Some people asked me “Shen Wei, why don’t you just resign from this company? Your boss is actually bully you”. he did bullied me a lot, but he didn’t hurt me tho. He just loved getting on my nerves. And so far… no, he didn’t do anything inappropriate. The only one that made me crazy was just when he asked me to take his two big dogs to the park. His dogs not had the weirdest name also had giant size, I had a difficulty when I wanted to controlled them. Other than that, everything was fine.

And then to answering that question actually I have a few reason :

1. I need money, obviously. I want to free my twin brother from that man who has a hair like the color of   Barney. The more I earn money, the faster I free my poor twin brother.

2. Even though I’m 3 minutes older than my twin, I actually more look like a baby brother to him. He always take care of me. Including when I had a rough year because I didn’t have constant job. He didn’t protest, he took double shift just to pay our bills and our food and our debt at the same time. This time, I have better job and I think it’s time for me to return all of what Yezun did to me, I want him to not worry about bills and foods, or even our debt. I just want him to think about himself first, maybe go on vacation or buy a new clothes and even a car. If I have money, surely I will take care of the bills and debt and let him enjoy what he earned for himself, even just once. (I’m the best brother ever, right?) 

3. I do like my job to be honest. Do you have a chance to bully back your boss? I do and it’s fun tho. Seeing mad face of my boss is kinda entertain me. Although he sometimes smarter than me and be able to bullied me back, I didn’t care. I still have fun and enjoying this cat and mouse game. And he is the mouse for sure. And last…….

4. Do I have to remind you that my stupidity brought me to the fact that I have a lifetime contract with him?


In one side, I was quite happy to have constant job and also a big salary. But the other side this lifetime contract means that I have to spend the rest of my life dealing with this mad boss. Actually I was so confused, is there any employee who has a lifetime contract like me in this world? I wondered why he gave me that contract. Obviously I sometimes disobeyed him, mad at him or even talked back at him but he didn’t fire me, he gave me a lifetime contract instead.

Somehow I felt like this was a karma for me. I really wanted to know the reason behind this. But he never gave me an answer just like when I asked him about the kiss. And about the kiss, like I said earlier in the new wicked contract said that he will kiss me as a punishment if I disobey him. So far I didn’t so don’t ever try to imagine about the second or third or even more kiss. That will never happen at least for now.

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