Chapter 9

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Vanessa's POV:

I woke up the next morning with a sense of courage I didn't know I had. I removed the comforter off my body before getting out of bed.

After I finished my morning routine, I dressed myself up in a pink blouse, black pencil skirt, with matching pink heels to top it off.

I had time to spare so I decided to make a fruit salad for breakfast.

Leaving plenty in the fridge for Tam, I got ready for the day.

I had plenty of clothes here at Tam's so I didn't have to go back to my old house to get any.

Not that I want to go there anyway. I never want to return there, there's too many bittersweet memories that I don't want to think about.

I'm in the process of moving forward, and going there won't help me get where I need to be.

This pain was consuming me, eating at my heart not stopping until there's nothing left to take.

I gathered what I needed quietly, as to not wake Tam. Kissing her forehead on the way out, I cautiously walked out the front door and into my car.

I spent the drive there assuring myself. Everything's going to be fine.

When I got there, I took a deep breath before walking into building.

I was greeted by Josie the firm's receptionist. "Good morning Vanessa." she spoke politely.

"Good morning, Josie. Would you like a muffin?"

"Of course. Thank you for taking the time to make these." She said while taking a muffin from the reusable container I had them in.

Walking towards the offices, I heard her shout from the lobby "You and Tam did it again." Making me chuckle.

I went from person to person, satisfied the delighted faces and smiles I received as they tried the treats that Tam and I made.

Reaching Pablo's office, I knocked on the oak door and was quickly pulled into the office.

Pablo greeted me by pulling me into a big bear hug. Although it took me by surprise, I hugged back.

I was consoled by his familiar scent, and warm hug. I needed all the support I could right now.

"Good morning to you." I greeted him, muffled by his arms.

Chuckling in response, he pulled out of our hug and leaned back to examine me. He was impeccably dressed in his black suit.

"Vanessa, this isn't going to be easy. Just know that we'll be here for you." He said with a serious tone that I recognized as his lawyer voice.

It was rare that I got to hear it.

"Let's take a seat." He led me to a sofa seat in front of his desk.

"Vanessa, I hate to ask this but do you think you need to get tested for any sexual transmitted diseases?" He asked concerned. "I don't mean to make you uncomfortable but I always ask my clients who are in similar situations this."

"I don't think I need to get tested at all." I said seriously.

That alone was another reason to not trust him ever again. The raw selfishness he had disgusted me. It infuriated me, thinking about what he could've given me if we hadn't been safe.

"Start from the beginning and leave nothing out. I'll try my best not to get angry."

So I told him everything that happened. He just listened, he may have appeared calm but his clenched fists said otherwise.

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