Chapter 3

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Vanessa POV:

I wiped away my tears as I quickly started my car.

The tears wouldn't stop.

I couldn't stop thinking about it as I maneuvered down the settling streets.

I couldn't stop thinking about how much time I wasted being with him. The constant energy I wasted from loving him that I loved him just down the drain.

He threw away everything that we were. He cheated as if all the history that we have together meant nothing.

Pondering over it now, I would say that it was.

As I drove around aimlessly while in thought, a wave of fatigue and hunger rumbled throughout my body.

I just couldn't eat right now.

I knew it wasn't good to starve myself, but I wasn't sure I could stomach anything.

Driving down the familiar roads, I tried to stop myself from thinking about it.

I eventually turned onto the familiar street.

Parking my car beside my best friend's Jeep, I tried to mentally prepare myself for what I was about to tell her.

Getting out of the car, I walked up the concrete driveway with my purse in hand. I rang the doorbell, patiently waiting for her to answer. My heart skipped in trepidation as I heard Tamera's footsteps approach.

Tamera's POV:

I instantly opened the door as soon as I saw that it was Vanessa through the peephole. Excited but confused, I opened the door. She usually called before coming over.

Opening the door, I expected to be greeted with a bear hug like usual. But I was welcomed with tears pooling into Vanessa's eyes.

Hot anger instantly flowed through my body at the sight of Vanessa crying; I wanted to hurt whoever it was who made her cry.

However, my main focus shifted back to Vanessa when she let out a painful sob.

Although I was angry, Vanessa needed me, so I calmed down.

Gently pulled Vanessa into the house, I grabbing the purse that was tightly grasped in her hands.

After placing it on the glass table near us, I rushed over to her and gathered her into my arms as she put her head on my shoulders.

I whispered words of comfort as she cried her heart out. I was confused. What happened?

Why was she crying?

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