Rumblings of the East

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The skies are dark over Volantis. The lighting of the pale moon and the bonfires of the streets keep the city alight. The eternal flame of the Red Temple burning bright whilst the clergy of the Red God pray around it. Volantis was in disorder. The death of the Dragon Queen had shattered the order of the East. Her liberations had shaken the status quo, and with her death there are whispers of a possible revival of the Slave Trade. The Triarchs convene a great council of Volantene elite within the Black Wall. They speak, debate, argue and hackle. Small men thinking within the short term of their lifespans. The wise counselled maintaining the status quo, they were the Elephant Party. The abolition of the slave trade was a loss but new industries has sprung up to replace it. Slaver's Bay had become a hub for proper trade. Profits were to be gained by this new order. The Tiger Party argued otherwise. They saw the crisis in Westeros as an opportunity to strike. With a possible Westerosi Civil War, the East is ripe for the taking. As they argue into the late night and early morning, the council is alerted of a dragon sighted perched upon the Black Wall.

As they rush out of their conference, they see the writing on the wall. Perched atop the Dragon was a woman with looks of Old Valyria that would make the most senior of blood green with envy. As the dragon lowered itself, its shadow cast upon the city and its landing creating great rumblings. The woman they thought long dead spoke in the Old Tongue of Valyria.

"I am Daenaerys Stormborn of House Targaryen. Blood of Old Valyria and seed of Aegon the Conqueror. I am the last of the Forty. Kneel before me and I shall shower you with rewards. Oppose and I shall rain Fire and Blood. You speak of being the Eldest Daughter of Valyria, prove it and accept me as your Monarch. I will restore Valyria and the East to what it once was. All shall know our Freehold reborn, born free and equal, and no sun shall set upon our domains." All the while cladded in black valyrian steel armor, with a crown of similar material fittingly adorning her silver haired head.

One by one, the lords knelt. Never had Volantis been conquered, but today they pledge allegiance to the last true heir of the Valyrian legacy. The Red Priests who represented the Clergy of Rhllor declared loudly and clearly, "Hail the Savior, reborn amidst salt and fire the champion of Fire and chosen of Rhllor."

Bells ring, a signal to indicate enemy ships approaching the harbour. For soldiers on patrol, their jaws fell as the number of ships grew from tens to hundreds as far as the eye could see. All of the sails were painted black and emblazoned with the three headed red dragon.

"Prepare your swords and sails," spoke the Dragon Queen as she gracefully dismounted her black monstrosity. She turns her head west, the violet or amethyst in her eyes shining brighter than ever, "I have children to save, a husband to kill and a continent to reconquer."

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. May whatever God or Gods that exist have mercy on the souls of those who stand against the Dragon Queen.


The Sun set on an eventful day. Her army disembarked and her new subjects cowed. The East is hers. All of it. From Braavos to Asshai, she rules. In Yiti and Leng, they call her the Goddess-on-Earth. The Reborn Empress sent to restore order and right in the world. The Asshaii follow her solely by the fact she survived the Heart of Darkness. Slaver's Bay felt into her hands as easy as she took it the first time. The surviving Valyrian realms knelt at the sight of Drogon, opening the Demon Road for her land forces. The Faceless Men swore allegiance to her as the survivor of Death and chosen Savior.

Her trip to Valyria was fruitful and she had proof for it. Drogon cladded in valyrian steel armor and in her flagship guarded by Red Priests were dozens of dragon eggs. She knows her purpose now, death had given her sight as she breathed her last. She saw there and then that she was the sword and torch to guide the world into a new era. An era of peace, where all men, women and children will live freely and happily. The wheel of the Game forever crushed under her boot and her enemies turned to ash.

She smiled. She knows her children are alive and strong. The connection with Cannibal tells her as much. She cannot wait to have them back in her arms. Safe and happy.

She cradles her stomach, knowing that life, the last ember of love between Aegon and her growing. She had not known of the pregnancy but when she was resurrected, she felt it. When consulting the Red Priestesses, they informed her that she was dead and alive at the same time. A state of limbo which the Lord of Light ended when he breathed fiery life into her. There she awoke in the depths of the Heart of Darkness, at the epicenter of Stygai. Surrounded by Shadowbinders, as Drogon flew circles from above.

"Hail the Prince that was Promised, hail the Bride of Fire and the Reborn Saviour!" They chanted.

She knew then, what the smallfolk say, a mother's wrath knows no bounds. As her vision turns West, again, she will right what is wrong. Even if it means her still unborn child, might grow without a father.

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