Family Matters

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The past weeks have been taxing. From dealing with a new dragon to handling the logistics of the war effort, Daenerys was taxed. With the help of Missandei and her network of spies helped to keep her worries of the South in check. Olenna was doing well as Lady Regent and food flowed. The people were fed and employed, most importantly occupied from having thoughts of treason. Dealing with the North was another matter on its own. The Starks were as xenophobic as usual with the exception of Jon, she knew he longed for her. And deep in her heart, right past the scar from his dagger, she does long for their past life. Yet the fact he killed her whilst proclaiming his undying love, gods she wished to see if he was immune to fire as she was. Cannibal would enjoy some coordinating training with her other children.

Cannibal was a welcoming presence, his omniscient-like conscience helped dealing with idiots around Winterfell. Sansa Stark's constant whining over supplies and Cannibal asked if the stark girl was his breakfast. Gods, she wished.

Looking out from her spot on the battlements. Grey Worm, Qhono and Daario Naharis stood behind her.

"Mhysa, the riders send back word that Last Hearth has been secured. The little Umber and his people make for White Harbor as we speak." A messenger informed, she gave her thanks and dismissed him. She turned to her lead generals, "the Dothraki do not do well in cramped spaces and limited grounds for horse riding. Qhono, I trust you as commander of the Dothraki in battle. Take them and continue scouting-harassment operations north of Winterfell. Make use of the obsidian arrowheads provided." He nodded, "do not directly engage with them, harass and retreat. They do not bleed but constantly be at their flanks." Qhono nodded and departed for the Dothraki.

"Torgo Nudho," Grey Worm took off his helmet, "how goes the training with the new pikes?" He stood to her side and raised his spear to the Unsullied arranged in formation below. On queue, the Unsullied closed ranks and lowered their pikes. Daenerys was impressed. She had requested this new formation be trained and drilled during training. The first rank of Unsullied upfront would have rectangle shields, discarding their circular ones with the second and third rank holding pikes. The succeeding lines would be a mix of swordsmen and crossbows. A good combination, provided their flanks protected by mobile infantry and cavalry.

"Good work my friend." She turned to him, he gave a smile to the compliment. She turned to Daario, "kneel." He knelt but his eyebrows quirked upwards, "it's not proper to do this in public Your Grace." He smirked, she had to bite back a sharp remark and laugh from that. "Rise, as a Queensguard. You declared for me your love and adoration, now wield your weapons of war in defense of your chosen Queen." She declared. He smirked as he took her offered hand and stood.

A cough broke the moment of joy, she turned to see Jon Snow. He stood awkwardly on the side, "May I speak to you in private, Your Grace?" She felt her smile die that moment. She nodded to Grey Worm and Daario, leaving her with Snow. A quiet silence filled the air, "You may speak Jon, I won't burn you." Not yet at least. She saw the anxiety in his posture and she somewhat knew what he wanted to speak about. "Shall we speak in the crypts?", in that moment she felt the past life replaying in front of her eyes. She could not let him know of her knowledge so nodded in agreement. The walk to the crypts from the battlements were quiet, she signaled two Unsullied to follow her, ones who do not speak the Common Tongue. "They are loyal and will not understand the conversation, trust me." She urged but more of commanded.

As they entered the Crypts, she looked on the endless line of statues of Stark Kings and Lords. A line as old as eight thousand years, unbroken and strong. She felt judged by the their stone gazes, deemed unworthy to stand within presence of their resting places. "I should not be here." She commented, "I am judged here worse than when I made way North, by the dead who speak no more yet still lay judgement of my worthiness." Jon stared at her, he wanted to respond but he just walked on. He feels the same too, a dragon wearing the skin of wolves. Rhaegar you fool of a brother, why must you abandon loyal Elia for Lyanna. As they approached the further section, she noticed the familiarity of the statues of Eddard Stark and Lyanna Stark.

When they stopped at the front of the statues, he turned to her. "Are you familiar with the story of Lyanna Stark, Your Grace?". She looked to him, "call me Daenerys, and yes I am." She turned to the statue, the woman who birthed the greatest threat to her throne. But now, she felt numb. "I take it, this conversation revolves around Lyanna Stark?" He nodded. "Rhaegar did not kidnap or rape Lyanna." He started, his eyes giving a glazed look. "They were in love." He spoke of the Tourney of Harrenhal, the Knight of the Laughing Tree and Rhaegar crowning Lyanna as Queen of Love and Beauty. The dragon must have three heads, she remembered. He spoke of their secret marriage, where Rhaegar had gotten his marriage to Elia Martell annulled so he could take Lyanna Stark as a second wife.

"Stop stalling, get to the point." She snapped, she grew impatient. He nodded, "Rhaegar and Lyanna had a son. A boy Eddard Stark took in as his own bastard, hiding him among his trueborn children. A boy that grew to be.." he breathed, "Jon Snow whose real name is Aegon Targaryen." She let go of the tension she held, raising a hand to stop him.

"Aegon Targaryen. Rhaegar already had a son with the name of Aegon, of silver hair and purple eyes. I recognise only that Aegon as the legitimate Aegon Targaryen, son of Rhaegar and Elia Martell. He is recognized as Aegon, Sixth of the Name. Unofficial Prince of Dragonstone following Rhaegar's death and King following my father's death." She said. Jon froze, pausing to process her statement.

"Have you told anyone else of this?" She asked. "Yes, my sisters, Sansa and Arya." She glared at him, "you should have approached me first. I am the relevant family member effected by this, not your Stark cousins. How did you know of these facts?" He frowned at her tone, "From Bran, he can see things. It is hard for me to explain." She cut him off, "I was raised in Essos, I am familiar with unexplainable magic or truths."

"I will not accept the legitimacy of this claim until it is verified by the Faith and other witnesses. Until such verification, I, as head of House Targaryen deem you a legal bastard of my House." She could see the hurt in his eyes and in her heart, she felt the guilt but she had to secure herself first.

She turned to leave but he made a move to grab her her hand, she pulled back in time as the Unsullied lowered their spears. "Let go," the soldiers moved closer, "I do not wish to be a kinslayer Queen unless it is required." He slowly let go. They made eye contact, him trying to search for something of any family within her but she was closed off. Colder than winter, her eyes showed no emotion other than a tamed fire.

She walked away without question to abruptly stop and turn her head to the side without looking back, "If I catch a whiff of this amongst the Lords, I will burn your beloved sisters." His mouth opened in shock, "I had to tell them, they are my family." He has raised his voice at her.

"So am I, regardless of your legitimacy." He was silenced by that.

"The law of treason is as old as the world when it began to record its stories and songs. The punishment for treason is nothing less than death, regardless of blood ties." She quietly said in the chasm of the Crypts before she resumed her walk out.

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