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Daenerys stared into the bay from the opened spot of the council chamber. In the background, her war council continued debating over the war strategy. She remembered this, where the Imp's strategy doomed her cause. In another life, his words I held on for life but not this time. She turned back to the council, her eyes analyzing the well-detailed map of Westeros. Aegon and his sisters showed the way to Westeros, yet no one sees it. She had Missandei bring her soldier pieces and she went about the map arranging the pieces. From Sunspear to Highgarden, from Cracklaw Point to King's Landing even Storm's End was included. Everyone in the room watched as she arranged the pieces except for the dragon piece she held.

"I am sure that each and everyone of you has your plans to win this war," signaling Tyrion to explain his plan. When hearing him explain again in this life, she could feel the stupidity air off him. Attacking Casterly Rock with half the army while rallying Dorne and Reach forces to the capital for a siege to starve out Cersei. It was a good plan, but it was one for a long term and left too many gaps. It was would expose her forces to divide and conquer strategy being destroyed by the Iron Fleet.  When he finished, she signaled to Asha Greyjoy to explain hers. The Greyjoy plan included striking King's Landing hard and fast with everything they have. Asha's fleet would secure the bay, while Unsullied and Dothraki would secure the city outskirts. Cersei has no scorpions so the dragons would be safer in this life. Her heart clenched at the thought of Rhaegal's death in her other life. She fought to close her eyes and weep but she held on.

As Asha finished her explanation, Daenerys placed her dragon piece on the board.

"Fire and blood," she said staring at the map of Westeros, her Realm for the taking. She looked to Ellaria Sand and Olenna Tyrell, "Send ravens to Dorne and the Reach, call the banners, all of them and march for the capital." She then turned to Qhono, her right hand Bloodrider for the Dothraki and Grey Worm, "take the main force mainland by the ships and surround the capital. Stop anyone from entering or leaving that place."

She then turned back to look at the bay and looked to Asha Greyjoy, "sail your ships to Blackwater Bay and close it off from any ships be it merchant or military from leaving. Euron Greyjoy might have the numbers but he will be cramped to use them when hammered into the bay. The dragons and I will come and provide assistance in dealing with him." 

Tyrion and Varys were shocked by the plan. They cut her off, "Your Grace, this is a direct assault to the city. Thousands will die, surel-" she raised her hand to stop him.

"I know what my father was, I know how the Mad King earned his name. But this is war. Aegon and his sisters did not forge the Iron Throne from sweet words and moralist planning. He forged it by Fire and Blood. This is a war of Conquest, not a war of Morality."

She knew her moralists had more questions, "Wars are not won through merciful planning. But the faster we end this war, the less the smallfolk have to suffer. They'll have more time to focus on the oncoming winter rather than worry day and night about who their next Queen will be. I vowed to break the wheel, and the faster we end this war, the sooner I can break it."

She turned her back to the council and stared once more to the bay. Missandei, whom she had appointed as the Queen's Voice, spoke up. "That will be all for today, the Queen dismisses the council." Daenerys smiled, remembering how she requested Lady Olenna to stay. "Lady Olenna, please do stay. We have much to speak of, same goes to you Lady Ellaria." It's time she settle Dorne and the Reach.

As the council chamber emptied, leaving only the three women of power left. Daenerys took a seat at the table's head. "Dorne and the Reach, I am grateful for the support of House Martell and Tyrell. However if we are to be allies, let us speak on honest grounds. Both of your houses did not support me on grounds of love and adoration of my house. It was done to exact revenge for the deaths of your loved ones and I have no issue with it. However, I would like for a moment to discuss the future first." This had Olenna's interest, "continue Your Grace."

"When this war is won," she paused, "I would like for Lady Olenna to remain here by my side as a key advisor. For you Lady Ellaria, I know you wish to return to Dorne and I will not stop you. House Tyrell will get their vengeance while House Martell shall be honoured with a King Consort. I do hope that Prince Trystane Martell is open to the idea of marriage with me as Prince Quentyn is already betrothed to a Yronwood."

Lady Olenna had a smirk on her face, "I hope you save a son or daughter for my great-grandchild," she had a quick laugh at that. Lady Ellaria smiled, a proper smile in so long since her lover's death. "Dorne is honoured your grace that you would consider us for a marriage. Doran, bless his health, shall be in King's Landing when the war is won. Trystane is open to the idea of marriage and Doran says he looks forward to meeting you. Myrcella Waters is safe in the Water Gardens as per your command before you left Meereen" Daenerys allowed herself a small smile at that. Myrcella, bastard or not, was innocent of her family's crimes. She would not be her father and condemn an innocent child.

She will not fall to Madness, but she will not fall to Mercy. Fear and love, two sides of the same coin. I will be feared as Maegor, loved as Alysanne, wise as Jaehaerys and brave as the Dragonknight.

(I) I'll do my best to do justice for the Tyrells and Martells. I'm including their family from the books to complement the tv show.

(II) Daenerys will be morally grey. The tv show rarely mentions the Targaryen history and tbh there's a lot that Dany can learn from it. Viserys would have told her much of it, though it'd be bias but there's always a library and Maesters that can teach her.

(III) The names she mentioned are,
A. Maegor = King Maegor Targaryen the Cruel
B. Jaehaerys = King Jaehaerys Targaryen the Conciliator
C. Alysanne = Good Queen Alysanne Targaryen
D. Dragonknight = Aemon Targaryen the Dragonknight

Fire and Bloodजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें