27. The Final Mystery

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"There are two killers?" Matteo asked, eyes wide and alert. Next to him, Mark sat up a little straighter as he looked between all of them.

"Scarlett, why don't you do the honors?" Levi said. He still hadn't broken eye contact with her.

The whole room had gotten quiet, waiting for Scarlett to confirm Levi's question while she just sat there with her jaw rigid. Anthony had his hands clenched in a fist, his right leg bouncing rapidly as anxiety kicked in. The silence and waiting got too much for him, so he blurted out his question.

"What has the second killer got to do with Scarlett being an only sibling?"

Scarlett sighed as she closed her eyes, rethinking her options but coming up with none. What use was it to hide anything now?

"Liam... was my half brother," Scarlett whispered as she bit her lip, then went quiet again. Emma waited for her, and then looked around in question as if that was supposed to make sense.

"Well, explain! What are you waiting for?" Emma probed her.

Scarlett took a long, deep breath before she continued. "My father had an affair years ago. Liam was a result of that," there, the truth is out now, "I found out almost a year ago. This is why the relationship with my father turned so bitter. Knowing that he cheated on my mother-" Scarlett broke off as she rubbed her temple slowly.

"Knowing that he cheated just completely destroyed our relationship. But I never told my mom... she wouldn't have been able to handle it. But then, I got to know about Liam," Scarlett smiled sadly at the memory of him, "Knowing I had a brother sent me over the moon. You guys know how I wished I had a sibling." She addressed the last part to Emma and Anthony.

For the first time that night, Emma reached out towards Scarlett and put a timid hand on her shoulder as a gesture of comfort. She still couldn't believe Scarlett was responsible for killing two of her closest friends, but somehow, she understood.

Hell, just thinking about hearing your brother die and knowing that the killer walked freely boiled her blood. But Eric? Emma almost cried at the thought of her childhood friend being a murderer.

"I'm sorry, but that still doesn't answer my question. So, Liam was your half-brother. What, was your father involved in Eric's murder too?" Anthony asked as he threw the suggestion carelessly.

"No." Scarlett looked at Anthony straight in the eyes. "But Liam's mother was."

"What?" Emma frowned. What's happening?"

"Just tell them," Levi said, gazing at Scarlett intensely.

Scarlett looked at Levi, hesitated for a few moments before facing Ella. "Ella helped me kill Eric. She is -sorry- was Liam's mother."

Multiple gasps echoed in the room as every eye in the room fixed their gaze on Ella, who got paler by the second. Mark felt the blood rushing to his head as his heart kicked into an erratic rhythm when he heard his wife's name.

"N-No! She's lying! What are you saying girl, I don't even know you!" Ella screamed at Scarlett. She looked at her husband,, who just stared at her in a daze, as if not believing what was happening around him.

"Mark, believe me! She's lying. I would never cheat on you-"

"Ella, are you sure you want to finish that sentence? Because I have some evidence that says otherwise." Levi cocked an eyebrow at her, making her shut up.

"I... I- oh!" Ella dramatically covered her face in her hands as she sobbed uncontrollably. It was getting harder for her to breathe because of how fast her heart was hammering against her chest, the realization that her truth was out made her break out in a cold sweat.

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