17. The Killer

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Hey guys! Before you start reading the chapter, please, please, please read the whole thing! This chapter is long and one of the most important chapters in the book! Enjoy!


Levi and Anthony were on their way to the library when Levi abruptly turned around, causing Anthony to almost bump into him.

"You knew," Levi stated as a matter of fact.

Anthony licked his dry lips nervously, realizing that was no use hiding it anymore. He will find out sooner or later. "Yes," he replied, shoulders slumping slightly.

"Then you must also know why he was taking the anti-anxiety meds?"Levi asked impatiently, eyebrow raised in question and annoyance.


"Tell me," Levi demanded.

"Sorry," Anthony said, shaking his head, eyes cast downwards now. "It's not my place to tell."

"Eric is dead," Levi said slowly through his teeth, trying to exercise as much patience as possible. "Don't you want to know who killed him?!"

Anthony looked up at that, eyes searching Levi's face, blinking slowly. He shrugged weakly and then quietly said, "What does it matter? He's gone."

Levi took a deep, steadying breath. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he said, "Stop being so difficult!"

"Aren't you suppose to be a great detective or something? Figure it out yourself," said Anthony, rolling his eyes. "I'm done talking to you."

Anthony turned away from Levi and marched back to the common room.

Levi stared silently at Anthony's retreating back, a frown framing his wide eyes, mouth slightly agape. Did he just...

Levi's frown slowly dissolved into a dangerous smile. He loved challenges. Taking the same course of direction as Anthony's, he made his way to the common room with purposeful steps and reached there in no time.

As soon as he entered the room, he spotted Emma and Scarlett discussing something heatedly by the piano, away from any listening ears. Next, he saw Robert just a little further behind Detective Matteo, who was standing too upright in Levi's opinion.

Levi walked towards Robert and as he came close to Matteo who was standing in the way, he flicked his hand saying, "You're dismissed," not even looking at him.

"You can't just dismiss me-" Matteo gritted but soon realized it was futile as Levi's attention was already on Robert.

He watched how Levi leaned over and whispered something quickly in Robert's ear, his hand gestures short but intense. What's this imbecile on to now? Matteo thought, a scowl already in place. When Levi was done, Robert nodded his head twice and then left the room.

Once Robert was gone, Levi straightened and assessed the room once more, eyes resting on Matteo.

"You didn't leave yet?" Levi asked cooly, knowing the other detective wouldn't cave in so easily.

"This is my case too, you know," Matteo said in a deep voice, hatred clear in his eyes and the way his lips slightly curled up.

"Just leave. Come back tomorrow to torment me with your face," Levi snapped, too impatient and busy with thinking to be bothered by him anymore.

"No," Matteo replied calmly, noting his opponent's impatience and frustration. "I think I'll stay, thank you," he smirked, making his way to the sofa and plopping down on it.

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