26. Secrets Revealed

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Hey guys, before you start reading, I should probably warn you there are some mild scenes ahead about death and injuries. Also, please read the previous chapter before starting this one. 



Liam shut the heavy book with a loud thud and stretched his limbs to get the blood flowing in them again. After checking his watch, he realized he had been sitting in the library for far too long, 6 hours to be exact, and decided it was finally time to head back to the hostel and sleep.

The university's library was almost empty except for a couple of students scattered here and there who were probably just like him; a sickler for studies. Liam gathered all of his books and began stuffing them into his bag as he made his way out of the library.

The university grounds were deserted, as was expected considering it was 11 pm, but Liam still felt a little creeped out by the darkness and quietness, the only light coming from the street lamps that lined the road in front of the library.

The shrill ringing of his phone made him jump a little, but Liam recovered quickly and fished the phone out of his pocket, while also struggling with the books that he was still shoving in his bag.

He smiled as he saw the caller ID and answered the phone before wedging it between his right ear and shoulder while he busied his hands balancing the books and his bag.

"Hey Scarlett, what's up?" Liam said cheerfully on the phone.

"Hey! Yeah, I just wanted to confirm something," he heard Scarlett from the other line.

"Yeah, shoot." Liam got closer to the road, his attention on Scarlett.

"We're still on for the movie tomorrow, right?" Scarlett asked hopefully.

"Yeah, of course!" Liam said, still struggling with his books. Damn it, why are they so heavy?! He thought to himself.

As soon as Liam took a couple of steps on the road, his attention divided between Scarlett and his books, a car whizzed past him, almost knocking him off his breath. A book had fallen from his hands as bent to pick it up, silently cursing the driver.

In the midst of all the confusion and Liam's flustered state, he didn't notice a second car that was fast approaching.

"Great, I'll see you tomorrow at 5 then?" Scarlett confirmed excitedly.

"Yea-" Like a deer caught in the headlights, Liam looked at the car for a full second before it slammed into him, effectively cutting off anything he wanted to say.

Time seemed to have slowed down when the impact of the car threw Liam across the length of the road. He felt numb from the blinding pain that covered every inch of his body. Liam couldn't feel his legs or arms as he tried to shift.

He could tell his body was twisted gruesomely, books scattered around him. Could feel the blood trickling from his body to the ground. The car had stopped a few feet behind him, the engine shut off.

The air was filled with Liam's low groans. A few feet away his phone lay, screen shattered but still functional. Scarlett was still on the line, asking something he couldn't make sense of.

"Liam? Liam! Please talk to me! Is everything okay? I heard something. Please, please answer me, please..." Scarlett's voice was frantic. "Please tell me you're okay-" her voice broke at the end. Cold fear had gripped her heart in a vice grip and she was unable to shake off the feeling that something horrible had happened. Because it had.

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