Chapter 10

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Violet was terrified.

But she couldn't let anybody see that, even through she had little experience in what people called a "poker face". So this presented quite the conundrum.

The problem was - she knew that man. Jackson Smith. Her mom had had him over quite a few times for business meetings. She wasn't sure he had ever actually seen her; she had spent most of the time on the balconies above the meeting rooms, leaning over the sweeping, intricate ebony balustrades to catch what they were saying. Her dirty blonde hair had hung loose and long, so even if he had seen her, he would've only seen a sheet of hair covering her pale face - and her hair was a different color now. 

Still, she had been paranoid throughout the entire encounter that he would recognize her. As far as Violet knew, her mom hadn't let him know that she was there - he had come for Melissa, after all. So if he had seen her, her would've known something was up.

The vehicle that they were in bumped, jostling Violet out of her thoughts.

Contrary to what Christina had said, she hadn't told them the story right away. Instead she had lead them to the car they were currently in, explaining that Jackson Smith - and more people like him - might come back. Violet understood that, but she was also impatient to learn what Christina had to say about this mess. The woman was great at creating suspense.

Violet was currently sitting in a dusty tan booth, across from which Hawk and Azure sat, solemnly, no doubt with their own thoughts about their situation. Hawk's bloodstained hoodie was drooping on the seat next to her. Azure's vivid hair was sticking out every which way, but he didn't seem to care. He just kept looking at his hands, which were folded in his lap.

Footsteps clomped down the narrow hallway between the seats, and Tyrone approached. "She's  good." He was referencing Melissa, who was now in a bed set up in a different section of the car. "She's not very happy about staying there for - what did Elizabeth say, it's a five hour drive? But she knows she has to rest her arm."

Violet kept her gaze out the window, focused on the rolling landscapes zooming past them. She was glad that Melissa was okay, of course. But she couldn't help feeling relieved that Melissa was out of the way for the long drive. The girl had a way of looking at Violet - like she knew everything Violet was trying to hide, or at least would figure it out soon.

It was slightly unsettling.

In fact, everything about Melissa was unsettling.

Violet jumped as Hawk suddenly stood up, throwing her arms up. "Five hours? Are you kidding me? Where are we going, anyway, the middle of Nevada?"

"You'll find out when you get there, little sister," Azure told her, earning him a shove.

Tyrone cocked his head. "Are you honestly okay with this?"

Azure shrugged. "Better than getting harassed by government officials."

"I dunno," Hawk replied. "This seems kind of shady."

"You're right," Tyrone told her. "Also - where are our instruments?"

"I think the van driver guy dropped them off at the hospital," Hawk informed him. "Which means they're probably still there."

Tyrone groaned. Violet was right there with him. The flute had been the only thing that had kept her company while her mom was off running the country and she had been stuck in her room. Also - she wasn't half bad at it.

Elizabeth popped her head into the room, smiling. "You should all take a nap. This drive is going to be long."

"We know," Hawk muttered. "Tyrone told us. Where are we going, anyway?"

"It's in Nevada," Elizabeth responded.

"Hey, what do you know, I was right!"

Azure ignored her. "Anything else we can know about it?"

Elizabeth's face darkened. "I'm sorry. I can't tell you. It's confidential."

"Really? That's your excuse?" Tyrone wasn't impressed.

She grinned again. "All you have to know is that it's the truth."

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