Chapter Eight

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"The...the girl? Which girl?"

Viola's tone was confused, but the tremor in voice voice made it clear she had her suspicions about her question's answer. As did I.

The man - Jackson Smith - jerked his head toward me, confirming them. "Her. She's supposed to report to the capital, pronto. Government's orders; it's classified. I'm sorry." His firm tone suggested that the 'sorry' part was purely professional.

"Her arm's still in serious condition," Elizabeth declared. "She can't go now."

"She has to," Jackson replied. "Like I said, government orders."

I watched them bickering back and forth and tried to make sense of it. What on Earth would the government want with me? Unless it had to do with my mom.

Or Opalesca.

Honestly, I was getting a little sick of that word.

"Look," Elizabeth snarled. I was surprised at the anger in her eyes; she had seemed so mellow earlier. "This girl is injured. Her arm is literally dying, and she needs our medical assistance before she can go anywhere. I don't care where your orders come from. She is staying with Christina and I, at our hospital, until she gets better. Understood?"

Jackson cocked his head. "Her arm is injured?"

"Yes," Elizabeth admitted. "It may need to be amputated."

"We can fix that," Jackson stated, quite matter-of-factly for the enormous implications it carried.

My head jolted up. "Really?"

"If you come with us, of course," he added.

"You can't do that!" Hawk yelled. "Melissa is staying here! She needs medical attention! And rest!"

"Did you not hear a word I said?" Jackson asked. "We. Can. Help. Her."

"I'll go."

The words were barely out of my mouth before Hawk looked at me, scarlet eyes glittering in shock, and opened her mouth to protest. "No-"

"I said I'll go!" I shouted. "This hospital needs me off its hands. And Mr. Smith here obviously isn't going to take no for an answer!"

"That I won't," Jackson agreed.


Christina suddenly stepped forward. "Mister... Smith, may I talk to you for a second." Her voice was calm and professional. But there was a velvet sweetness that wasn't there before. It made me suddenly very interested in what she had to say.

Jackson reluctantly nodded, and the two of them walked away to the corner of the room, speaking too quietly for me to hear them.

"So, Melissa," Azure whispered. "What's this about your arm being amputated?"

I winced; I forgot that he and the others had heard that. "It doesn't matter right now, okay?" I whispered back. "Christina and Elizabeth don't even know yet if it will happen. We shouldn't be making a big deal out of it."

"Uh, you do realize what amputating means, right?" Tyrone muttered.

"I do," I growled. Being reminded raised the dread in my stomach, and I hoped I wouldn't vomit. "Christina said it would take at least a day for them to be sure. It won't matter, anyway, if I go with the government guy."

"You're honestly thinking of going with him?" Viola piped up. She'd been very quiet throughout the entire exchange.

"Yeah," I replied. "I am. What's it to you?"

Viola's voice was small. "Oh, nothing. It's just-"

She was cut off as Christina strode back to us, followed by Jackson. I might've been imagining it, but her gold eyes looked more vibrant that they used to. She turned to us. "Miss  Skylar will be staying with us. Isn't that right, Mr. Smith?"

Jackson nodded without hesitation.

After a few seconds, Hawk found her voice - I was surprised it took that long. "Wait...what?"

"She will stay with Mrs. Swan until she is better," Jackson told us. "Then she will be free to do what she wishes." His voice sounded strange, I observed. Almost robotic.

He picked up his coat and was on his way out the door.

"Okay," Tyrone said, breaking the awkward silence that had settled over us. "Okay. Please explain, because that was definitely not normal."

Christina's voice was innocent when she asked, "What do you mean?"

"You hypnotized him!" Tyrone replied, practically shouting. "Or voodoo-magicked him! Spit it out, lady. What on Earth happened?"

"First things first," Elizabeth told him. "There is no such thing as voodoo magic."

"How does this help your case at all?" Tyrone replied.

"Lizzy, please," Christina murmured.

"They deserve it for us to tell them," Elizabeth insisted.

Christina hesitated a beat. Then she sighed. "I guess they're going to find out anyway, what with this one." She nodded at me.

"Well, you've sure built a lot of suspense," Azure commented. "Now go on. Tell us a story."

"I will," Christina told him. "But it's not a happy story."

"Good." Hawk rolled her eyes. "Just what I wanted."

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