I never wanted to love you, but I do.

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Imagine this with your favourite driver ;)

Happy reading!

I walk into the cafe and sit down at the bar. I notice him, I regret it right away. His dark brown eyes glow in the soft lighting above the bar, making them seem golden. We share some eye-contact for a moment, I can't seem to look away. Something about him is luring me in, as a siren does with a pirate. Another girl walks over to him to take her shot. This is the one girl I can't stand. I find the strength to look away to my book and order my drink. I open my novel and start reading a little. It's a quiet night in the cafe, making it rather easy to concentrate. My mind keeps wandering to him, the boy I've been crushing on for the past months. Every minute my mind slips away to his beautiful face.

 I think I fell in love. 

I can't focus so I close my book. I can't focus on anything if I even think about him staring at me, it makes me anxious. We never really talked to each other, only over text a little. But he's amazing, just amazing. Not only his looks, but also his smile, his voice. My friends luckily don't think he's that attractive, but they know he's exactly my type. Though I don't believe there's one type like society says, there's someone for everyone. I just happen to fall for the handsome ones, and a lot of girls want him. But why him? Why did I have to like him? Why did I have to fall for him? Him?

Without I noticed it I've downed six drinks, my head's spinning of the alcohol. I give the bartender some money and want to walk out again. Until we lock eyes again. Due to the alcohol in my blood I make the stupid decision to walk over to him. Oh. 

"Hi, how are you?" He says nicely, his warm voice makes me shiver. I smile to him and lay my hand on his chest to put emphasis on the words I want to say.

"Do you know? I never wanted to love you, but I do. And I hate myself for it."


"Because I'll never have you."

So I totally did not write this with my crush in mind...

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