(JC) - Anthoine is okay now.

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This was a request of the amazing @laraF1lover

If anything happens to Juan, I'll unpublish this chapter. In hope that he'll pull through, I wrote this.

This one was a heavy one to write, to be honest.

Happy reading!

"Juan, please baby, keep fighting. You must keep fighting, I can't lose you." I whisper to him, holding his cold hand. I hear the beeps of the monitors, very high-pitched beep gives me more and more hope he'll pull through. "I love you."

I pull up the covers to his chin, laying his freezing hand under it, just to make sure he stays warm while he remains unconscious. I kiss his forehead and head out after saying goodbye to his parents.

"Are you back tomorrow? He'd want you here."

"Yes, I'll for him."


"Hey, beautiful." Juan says and he smiles at me when I walk through the door.

"I heard you woke up." I walk over to him, kissing his lips. I feel the soft covers of his hospital bed on my palms, but the smell in the building's horrible. 

"I woke up for you."

"Had a good sleep?"

"It was weird. At first, it was all black. Later slowly faded sounds came and at last I heard your voice saying 'I love you'." He smiles up to me, his lips asking for another kiss. "Thank you for taking this lightly."

"I have to, baby. I know the dangers of your sport."

"And you still love me."

"I still love you."

"Can you tell me about my crash?" Panic rises up my spine as the question leaves his lips, not knowing who to answer. His soft eyes starring into mine make me relax, giving me time to think.

"You speeded into Anthoine, who crashed into the wall and bounced back on track right before that. It was all so fast and so much impact, I saw it happen in front of me. In fact, it were three crashes in one, but it's a month ago." I whisper to him, I think the tears in my eyes are visible now. I take his hand in mine, it's still cold.

"Is Anthoine fine? Is he awake?"

"Anthoine is okay now.

"He didn't survive, did he?"

"No, he didn't."



I walk back into his hospital room when his help leaves. With a smile on my lips, I greet his tired eyes.

"How was the talk?" I take his hand in mine, it's warmer than last night.

"Good, it's not my fault."

"It's the sport."

"It's the sport." He repeats after me, squeezing my hand. "Did they bury him?"

"They did, it was beautiful. I was there, your helmet was there." I caress his cheek, he looks at me in 'aw'.

"Thank you."


"Baby, look at me! I'm walking." Juan exclaims like a child, excited about the progress he's made these past weeks.

"I can see that. I'm proud of you, my love." I giggle out, seeing my boyfriend walk again for the first time. It might be behind a walker, with 2 nurses around him, but he's walking over the hallway and that's what counts. "You'll be in a Formula 1 car in no-time."

"Mom, did you hear that?" He jokes. "She does want me back in racing too, just like I do."

"I could've lost you the first time, I'm afraid now." His mom says, a slight tone of fear in her voice. Afraid it will happen again and I totally get it.

"I want it mom."


"I can't believe I have to start from the beginning again." Juan complains to me while slowly getting ready to get into his car.

"It's not karting, it's F4."

"Training, only training. I'm not even allowed to race."

"Darling, you're just back. You were fighting for your life just a few months ago."

"Healing is boring, I want to win races." He nags, sometimes forgetting where he came from. "I need to win races."

"Can't you win in healing first and then you'll win in racing?" He kisses my cheek and smiles to me.

"Guess so, let me train first." He puts his helmet on and walks away.


"I told you you'd make it!" I hug my lover, he's in his Sauber racing suit.

"And I love you for it." He kisses my cheek, letting go to greet his parents. "Mom, dad."

"I'm still not approving this, young man." His mom points her finger to him, but she's still smiling. "But I'll support you every step of the way."

"Thank you, it means a lot for me." He embraces his parents and it's such a beautiful sight to see. "I have to go."

"Be safe." I whisper to him, kissing his lips before he pulls his helmet over his head and vanishes in his car. I whisper to myself: "Stay safe."

No-one seems to see how special it is that he can race again. How great he's still alive. No-one seems to notice how happy he is. But I notice.


"Would Anthoine be mad at me? from up there?" Juan asks me, it's midnight and the whole bedroom's dark. He never could let go of Anthoine, which I get. There would always be this voice in the back of his head asking about Anthoine.

"I think he's proud of you, of all the way you've come. I believe he's so happy for you."

"He wanted this too, Formula 1."

"I know. He's proud of you, I just know it."

"Why would he?"

"Because you're just as amazing." I climb close to him, in his arms and we slowly fall asleep.


Years have passed, tears have passes, smiles and laughs have passed. But today, today was the best day of Juan's life. nothing seemed good enough, no first pole, no first win. Today was good enough, good enough for Anthoine. He just dedicated his Championship to his friend, Anthoine. Seeing him, making his doughnuts in the Ferrari, next to the proud Charles. Saying goodbye to this season, ready to work for the next. Juan never heard of giving up and he'll always surprise me.

"I want to thank my girlfriend the most, alongside my parents. They helped me so much." The radio's in the car have improved so much, his voice beams through my headphone loud and clear. 

"This year has been a pleasure working-"

"I want to say something to Y/n, is she still listening?" I nodded to his engineer. 

"Yes, she is."

"Y/n, I know this isn't the really right way. But you're the love of my life, will you marry me?" Everyone gets rather quiet, waiting for my answer. A camera takes a close up to my crying face, I nod like crazy, repeating 'yes' every second.

"She said yes." Every single person in the audience around the track begins to roar in happiness, clapping in a standing ovation. Happy for the win, happy for the proposal.

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