"Beginning of Training!"(3)

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The boy was suspicious at first but than thought what can a tiny baby do to him? He flew closer down to Chun Zhiming. Just as he about to touch Chun Zhiming, to suck out the life force, a tiny hand immediately shoot out and grab his wrist.

The boy yelped and try to get out of the hold but it didn't budge. He tried to kick the baby but his leg was easily caught.

"You! Let me go! Let me go!" The boy yelled. before, he was confident because he was out of baby hold and even dare to yelled at the baby, but now he quickly lose his confidence. 

Chun Zhiming giggle, "naughty little kid, didn't your parent ever taught you manner?"

"Stinky baby! Let me go!" The boy was on a verge of crying, he was scared because his life force might be suck out by the baby again and if that happens, he'll die. He don't want to die, Wu Wu.

"Please don't eat my life force, I don't wanna die. Wu Wu, little baby I'll give you anything, just don't eat my life force," the boy cried out, his face was cover in snot and tears. Chun Zhiming soften a little: being with her Ao Ao made her really turn soft when it comes to childrens tears.

"Don't cry little one, Mama is not going to eat you. Shh, it's okay. Mama just want to know what you are that's all," Chun Zhiming didn't even realize she called herself mama when she subconsciously coax the crying kid, patting his head.

"What mama?! Your not my mama! Humph, your just a baby and you still dare to called yourself my mama!" the kid angrily yelled, but he quickly covered his mouth when he realized what he just did. 

"Hai, hai, don't be scare okay. I'm not going to eat you. Beside, your too skinny. look at you, there's not a single muscle on you, have you not eat enough?" Chun Zhiming mother instinct quickly show itself.

The boy was stunned, he don't know wether he should laugh or cry: this baby is the most strangest thing he'd ever seen. look at her, trying to be his parent. 

"What's your name? Why where you in a chain? Did somebody put you there? Tell Ma- Ming Ming. Here, are you hungry?--"

"Okay! Stop! Geez, why are you asking so many questions. Didn't I tell you I'm the great and only Magna Earth Steel spirit. I've lived inside of the Magna Earth Steel for thousands of years and...I don't have a name," the last part was a little bit quieter, the boy, in his thousands of years of living never thought about having a name.   Even if it's quiet, Chun Zhiming could still hear it: poor kid, he must be really unwanted to not be giving a name.

If the boy knew Chun Zhiming thought, he would've spit a mouth full of blood: what unwanted?! This great spirit is wanted by millions of people, yet you said that I'm unwanted? Your the unwanted!

Her turquoise eyes look at the spirit with an illusion of helplessness. The boy turn confused...did he say something wrong?

"Ah!" Without warning he was pulled in a hug...well if you can it a hug, Chun Zhiming body is still small compared to the seven year old boy which made the scene look very comical.

"What- what are you doing?! Hey- stop, stop petting my hair you crazy baby!" But Chun Zhiming didn't let go. The boy was perplexed, he used every strength he had, yet the holding didn't even budge; not even a little. It was like he was fighting a giant obsidian wall instead of a small baby whose not even in the Early-stage Red spirit yet.


What is happening?!!

"I said let me go!" The boy shout in irritation.

"There, there, if you don't have a name Ma- I, Ming Ming, will give you one." Chun Zhiming cooed at the boy, she forgot to control her strength thus leading her to hug the boy head tightly.

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