"In the mountain"(1)

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Awhoo! The night was still long. Moon shine so bright but the view was covered by the dark twisted tree.

The guard look at the baby he's holding and look in pity. He only shake his head, he's not a heartless man but this world that they live in only respect those the strongest and have powers, if your weak, you'll only be a stepping stone and be use and be look down upon all your life. It doesn't matter if your innocent, once you have power, you can do anything, but if you don't, all you can do is endure and take the blame. Or worse, death.

He step deeper in the mountain, carefully looking at his surrounding making sure there's no beast or danger. Once he was deeper, he spotted an old abandon shack and decided to place the baby there. It's the only thing he can do, if the baby survive or died, it depends on fate.

"Sorry child, as a low guard, this is at least I can do," with that, he quickly hurry back before a dangerous beast show up. What he didn't know was that the supposed sleeping child could hear him and everything that happen today.

Chun Zhiming open her eyes and look at her surrounding, it reminded of her the abandon warehouse she use to stay in. Old, dusty, fill with webs, but this place was made of bamboo that have already rot and holes at the roof. She smile, it look so unnatural on her baby face with that smile.

Madam Shan. Miji.

She giggled, those who heard it might think it's a ghost. The beast that was close by the shack back away from it as the giggle turn louder.

Minutes later, Chun Zhiming decided to sleep as tommorow will be quite an interesting beginning in this new word.

The world doesn't even know that it's going to go through a shocking change.


Sniff, sniff. A giant pig nose sniff the ground. The beast have spikes around its body like a porcupine. It was big as a bear as the tusk was sharp like a sword. This was none other than the carnivorous spike hogs. A late-stage purple magical beast.

These deadly beast is a High rank beast and it'll be very misfortune to encountered one. But if your fortune enough to escape and kill it, you might want to keep their blue beast core; after all, the core can replenish one energy or sell it to a cultivator's for money.

The carnivorous spike hogs' sniff the air until it find what it's looking for. Food. The smell came from the shack, stealthily, it move toward it.

Once it saw that there is no danger, it move inside and saw that there's nothing but a bundle of blankets inside the shack.

The smell was getting stronger. It move the blanket..There!

What lay there was a tiny looking human is what the beast thought.

The beast was disappointed that its food was so small, oh well. It open it's scary looking jaws, closely---

"Groink!!" Pain. Something penetrate it. The carnivorous spike hog trashes around but it's no use, no matter how it try to escape, it's useless. A weird looking jaws with scary teeth in every rows were wrapped around its giant body and as it move more, the teeth penetrate deeper.

Crunch! The carnivorous spike hog was crushed. It was a gory sight.

When it die, it still didn't know what had happen, first it was going to eat a human baby, but than something attack it.

The body was quickly swallow down by the perpetrator which was none other than the baby on the ground. The blanket was covered in blood yet it didn't bother the baby.

Chun Zhiming smile in satisfaction. Her breakfast was quite tasty and she didn't have to move to look for one.

Patiently, she try to sit up. Her one day old baby body won't allow her, but who was she? She's, Chun Zhiming, the notorious killer, were logic doesn't exist around her nor in her mind. In the six attempt, she succeed in sitting down, her undeveloped spine crack a little. It didn't bother her. But...it seems like she can't stand on her two tiny legs yet, oh well, guess she had to crawl.

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