"King Yama"(2)

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Xi lip twitch.

There are 4 minions beside king Yama, each holding some kind of books and a brush. Those books contain information that are not meant for those who are not a high gods or goddess and demons. It keep tabs on a living being until they die.

Beside Xi, right to left, there are Ni, Di, Ki, and Gi standing in row, respectively. Xi have been King Yama guwen(advisor) for a long time, than there's Ni, a orange skin demon with strong features, wore a plain brownish-gray daopoa(robe), with a miter hat; Di, have crow-ish feature, pointy noise, arch eye brow, wore a plain gray daopoa; Ki, have a soft features compare to Ni, brown skin, four horn on his head, bald, and gentle look, wore a plain black daopoa but with a red rope tied on his hip. Than finally Gi, the chubby one; who have a round shape head, chubby cheek, cute nose, sharp pointy ear, hair tied in a braid but the front is shave, he is more child-like than other, often joke, he wore a weird pattern daopoa unlike the rest.

Xi, although a high demon, is the most human looking than the rest; strict feature, strong high noise, narrow eye, bushy brow, pale skin. He wore a black daopoa with white whirly pattern on it, his black hair is tied on neat bun, and also wore a long black hat.

In a short simple way, Xi is the handsome but cold scholar, Ni is the outgoing handsome friend you have in your group, Di is the smart yet interesting nerd, Ki is a gentle good looking monk which is the only reason why you visit the temple. And finally Gi, that cute chubby friend of yours that you just want to pinch his cheeks.

"My king, if you haven't run off and did your job as you were supposed to do, it wouldn't be this long," said Xi with a blank face.

"But, but than I would miss my chance to see my beautiful Shinyin," the king of hell was in love with Guanshiyin, the goddess of Mercy. You can't blame him for being distracted, even though he, the king of hell, powerful being that can have anything he want; when it comes to Guanshiyin, he get all nervous, and stutter in front of her. It was embarrassing! And it's in front of the woman he love for heaven sake!

"You do this everyday, my king. Why don't you tell lady Guanshiyin how you felt about her instead of staring at her for 6 hour straight!" Irritation start to form in Xi being, his usual blank face crack a little. Dear niagqin (mother) what did this child, I, Xi, did to a be a guwen to a love sick fool.

"Kekekeke, now don't be to harsh on the king, Xi," Di said, but than he turn his crow-like-head to King Yama and said," though I, this servant, agree with our guwen my king. If King don't confess to lady Guanshiyin, I'm afraid it'll be to late. After all, I heard a certain God was also infatuated with the lady."

Bam! A strong palm slam the desk top.

"What! Who?! Tell me who is trying to steal my Shinyin! I'll extract their little brother off if they try!" King Yama angry voice boom through out hell. High demon, low demon shamble away; even the soul were startled.

"It's true! It's true! Pipipipi!" Gi exclaimed while laughing." It was lei Gong my king! You must confess to lady Shiyin, hurry! Hurry!"

Lei Gong, the god of thunder, was known to be attracted to Guanshiyin In heaven but she did not like him nor want anything to do with him; nevertheless, he didn't give up and it was a hot topic throughout the heaven.

"Lei Gong! I, this king, will make you regret living if you touch a single hair on my Shiyin!" King Yama was so infuriated that his hair turn into fire.

The palace walls were shaking, the ground crack. All those in hell scrambled themselves away from king Yama as they do not want to face his wrath. The four minions beside king Yama try to calm him down, but they didn't realize that king Yama mind ran wildly thinking about his Shiyin being in Lie Gong arms.

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