|16| The Royals.

151 16 19

Third-person pov:
All thinking will be in the Italic font.

Fayth went toward the 4th floor.
Where she had promised Carter to meet.
She was already 10 minutes late but she knows what she wants to do.

The thought made her fastened her pace.

As the distance decreased. Other thoughts began to form in her mind.
And the first thought was-

Who was he?
So lethal that I-

Fayth shook her head to get rid of the thoughts of him. Whoever he is.

She don't have the strength to involve with the kind of him.
Fayth diverts her thoughts to Carter.

She was still confused at her behaviour with him.
The strong feeling which she felt in such a short period toward Carter.
She can't describe it. The urge to protect him, even when she can barely protect herself.

And finally, Fayth was on the forth floor.


Carter was in the abandoned classroom., Where they had first met.
He was sitting on one of the broken benches.
Back tensed and both of the hands on his head as they were supported by front of the bench.

"Idiot, idiot, idiot," he muttered as he takes a glimpse of his watch.

He has repeated this process from the last 15 minutes.

"It was just a joke, Again. Why are you so stupid Carter? No one's gonna coming here. but it's still not late, let's just go. Let's get out of this classroom and this... hope".

But again his subconscious interrupted., 'let's just wait for five minutes, after that if she doesn't come then we will be going.'

"We are doing that from the last 15 minutes"

Please. We both believe her.

Carter rubbed his face with a sigh.
"You are hopeless Carter. So so hopeless"

After 3 minutes.
"Okay, that was enough. Let's go, Carter. Your capsules are still waiting for you" he stands up and went toward the door.

I'm not surprised just disappointed. It happens all the time, I should have learnt my lesson after ro-

His thoughts were abruptly came to halt as someone opened the door.

The room was dark as the lights were not on. Fayth entered the room. And when her eyes found Carter. Sigh escaped from her lips and relief floated on her body.

Thank god.

"Carter, it's me. Fayth." Fayth informed as she closes the door and flickered the lights.

Fortunately lights were back.

Carter tensed up.
"Why am I here, fayth?" He frowned as her name leaves a sour taste on his tongue.

Fayth smiled at him."I'm also confused Carter, I think we have to discover that. Come on. I'm not a snake, that will bite you. You can come near me." And took a sit on one of the benches.

Carter narrowed his eyes. But obliged.
And sat beside her.

Carter couldn't understand. Why did he felt safe beside her? And why her voice was so soothing.

Is she a witch? Do they even exist? Stop it Carter!

They both were side by side.
It was silent for some time. Fayth didn't know from where she should start. While Carter was observing her.

Scarlet Love Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora